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Nicki p.o.v

As we were driving I was examining Robyns face .

"It's not polite to stare !" She growled.

"Babe , please talk to me " I begged

"My names Rihanna , not "babe" " she said almost slipping into her accent .

The car ride was silent until we pulled into Beyoncé drive way. Her house was bigger than Robyns . It was festive and everything .

I knocked on the door, I took another glance at Robyn and she had lipstick smeared on her lip

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I knocked on the door, I took another glance at Robyn and she had lipstick smeared on her lip. I licked my thumb and tried to get it off. She only slapped my hands away.

"I got it " she said

The door opened wide . Beyoncé was in a God dress with her hair in braids.

"Hey guys !" She said hugging the each of us . "I thought you guys wouldn't have came ."

"Why would you think that "I questioned while stepping in the door frame .

"Rih isn't really into things like this ." Bey said

"Are you kidding , life isn't about getting high all the time , cherish those you love forever and ever , it's so nice to see you bey , in your beautiful home " Robyn said .

Hold the fuck up. This bitch just did a fucking 360 in less than a minute . And the fact that she said cherish those forever . Isn't this something , if she can be petty I could be petty too.

"Yes , and you must not be ashamed of those you love " I said with a smirk .

Beyoncé looked at us like we were ghosts .

"Did you guys take a spiritual class or something ?" She asked

I laughed extremely loud and Robyn laughed harder . We looked at each other and faked smiled .

"Well, food will be ready in 5 minutes . Let's just chill , the house theatre is downstairs the third door on your right . " Bey informed .

"Hey where's Micheal ?" I asked

"He's still getting ready , just got finished barbecuing some steak "

"Steak ? I thought this was lunch Bey?" I said surprisingly.

"Well everything has to be flawless right?"

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