That bitch Onrobyn pt 2

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As I got up reaching for my duffle bag , Robyn grabbed my from behind , while I was dragging that hoes head .

"Robyn, so it's this bitch Shakira , funny how your ass wanted to be all friendly and shit at the award show !" I said out of breath .

"Robyn ,why did your bring her here ?!" Shakira asked still trying to stand up.

"She wanted to be here and don't call me by my government name " Robyn said

"That hoe can call you by your government name and I can't ? " said shakira

"Oh hell no! I know your hips don't lie , but guess who's about to break them !" I shouted charging towards her . Robyn still had a tight grip around my waist . So I couldn't try to pry her off even if I wanted to .i still had the duffle bag in my hand . So I just slipped my hand in the duffle bag and had one of my cleavers. I gripped it and tried to throw it at her head , but I missed and it stuck to the wall.

"WHAT THE HELL NIKA?! GIVE ME THAT DAMN DUFFLE BAG , over here trying to end people's lives . " Robyn said . She took the duffle bag from me and told me to chill.

"Ok listen , Shakira , you can't be texting , calling , or face timing my phone anymore , cause this right here ..." Said Robyn as she gripped my ass and kissed me on the cheek .

"Is all mine "

"NO , ! I say when it's over , I know you still want me babe , dump the that little hoe , I know she drives you crazy "said shakira in a seductive voice . While standing up.

"Bitch you must really tryna die ! Like seriously , you must have a fuckin death wish or something , Robyn you better get her in .5 seconds before I rip her head off" I say in my thick New York accent

"Shakira no , I'm sorry but we was really never a couple , just fuck buddies and that's all" said Robyn

Shakira went closer to Robyn and snaked her hands on her Robyns waist .

"Times up !!" I said . I grabbed her by the neck and slammed her onto the floor . She scratched my arm with her nails . I punched her with my right fist , straight in the nose . I dragged her by the hair and kept beating her by the head. I soon felt two arms grab me by the waist and pick me up . It was Robyn . I was still not letting Shakira hair go. Shakira started to fight back and punched my thigh. Soon my skirt came up traveling the 'property of Robyn ' scar . Shakira stopped and tried to stand up , but I still had her hair in my hand .

"NIKA LET GOOOOOOO!" Robyn yelled

I let go and Shakira finally got up.

"Y-yo-you branded her ?" Shakira stuttered

"Yes the fuck she did bitch !" I shouted

Shakira ran upstairs crying . I was laughing my ass off .

"Ok Robyn let's go , that hoe learned her lesson " I said with a satisfied look on my face . I grabbed my duffle bag and headed to the car . When I stepped into the dorm frame I hear Robyn run upstairs .

"Robyn Rihanna Fenty get your ass back down here !" I demanded

"NIKA WAIT ! DAMNITT!" Robyn continued to run back up stairs .

Robyn p.o.v
I ran upstairs to look for Shakira . She was in her room crying on the bed .

"Hey , you alright ?" I asked her

"No,! You branded her , I thought I was the one Rih , I really thought !"she said still upset

"I feel more of a connection to her more than I do to you Shakira , we never really had deep intimate conversation , we barely had anything in common , what I found fun , you found boring , and vice Vera . We have absolutely nothing in common. The only thing we do is work very well together and shop. I can't do that every day . I'm going to need passion . "

" You don't like me , Am I too fat , am I ugly , I can change for you Rih , I can , I want to please you in so many ways "

" no , don't change for me . One day you will find someone who will like you for you. And that person is not me "

" but Rih- "

" we can still be friend s im not going to cut you totally off , alright . You deserve better . "

"thank you Rih " said Shakira

"No problem " I gave her a hug and then went downstairs . Now it was time to handle Nicki . But first the good old fashion silent treatment .

I went inside the car and Nicki had her arms crossed with a frown on her face .

"Why was you taking so long ?" Nicki asked
I kept silent . "Yall was in there for a long time , what did you say to her ?" . Still kept silent. " you was kissing her ?" Still kept silent .

It stayed silent until we got back to my house . We walked in the house and I stopped in the middle of the living room and turned around . I took a deep breathe and just sat her down and let it all out .

"Nicki , listen I really want to yell at you , but I'm not gonna do that . I'm just going to try to sound as calm as possible . So .. what Is your first question ?"


"Yes , Nicki but that's the past I want to focus on us , now, and the future . "


"I forgot to delete her number out of my phone , but at the same time you can't expect me to cut her off ,because we're still friends"


"No , see that's where you got me fucked up , I can be friends with whoever I want to be , and I'm going to be her friend  because I hurt her , Nika stop being so damn heartless all the time man ! " I started to get angry .

"Robyn , look at me !" Onika yelled

"What ,? " I looked at her deep in her soft brown eyes

"Do you still have feelings for her Robyn ?!"

I hesitated . "I don't know I -"

"Ok that's enough , I'm leaving ! " Nicki yelled . She went upstairs and put all the stuff I bought her into a bag . I ran after her .

"Wait Nika , please don't go ! I'm sorry , no , I don't have feelings for her ,don't leave me !" I shouted . Nicki rushed downstairs by the door . She had her phone in her hand and dialed her chauffeur .

As Nicki was about to stepped out of the door frame I grabbed her arm .

"Nika , you are not leaving !!"

"Yes the fuck I am !! You might have feelings for her ! I'm not going to be here and watch you hesitate !" Nicki said

"You see this right here !"I said touching her 'property of Robyn Rihanna Fenty ' scar .
"You belong to me !!!"

"Not anymore ! I'm done Robyn !" Said Nicki with that last word she went outside to her chauffeur . I closed the door and rubbed my back down the door . I cried into my knees and curled into a ball by the door .

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________oh no!!!!!!
Tell me what you think , I do read your comments. Y'all funny asf 😂😂😂

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