Something Onrobyn

365 14 5

10 days before Canada

Robyn p.o.v

I was on the phone with one of my hitman .

"Whatchu mean , he's ya cousin?" I asked in confusion.

"I mean , you're trying to make me kill my cousin and that's NOT gonna happen" he said stretching the word not .

He made me angry now .

"I don't do so lightly with the word 'no' . Either hes dead or you and ya whole family is dead . Fuck you mean 'no'?" I asked calmly .

"Bitch you ain't gonna do shit , in ya only hitman !" He said furious .

I laughed my ass off. He really thought he was my only hitman. Wow!

"Murda dem , Murda dem, na competition Rada jus' Murda dem. But on a serious note you thought I was only had just one hitman , hahaha my nigga you had my eyes on the floor. Look up " I said through the phone .

(Translation: Murder them , murder them , it's no competition, I rather you just murder them .)

Through the phone , I heard 10 bullets go off in the background and a loud thump on the line. I smirked and another hitman from me picked up the phone .

"The deed is done ma'am" I heard him say . I hung up the phone and heard Nicki stumble in from the closet. I jumped out from the bed .

"Nicki what are you doing here?"

"I live her too dumbass ..." she snorted

"Duh , nigga what you doing in the closet ?" I asked .

"Nothing daddy .." she said walking towards me .

"Nicki ... do not start that shit ."

"Why not zaddy Fenty, you're so sexy when you're threatening people" she said as she licked her lips.

"Nicki , I mean it " I said. Nicki started slithering in between my legs .

"Nicki don't start something you can't finish " I said trying to get out of her trance .

"Who said I can't finish it Zaddy Fenty " she said as she got up and licked the side of my neck.

I roughly grabbed her neck and walked towards the bathroom with her neck still in my hand and her lips still attached to my neck.


My phone vibrated . I had a call from drake . I let go of Nicki's neck and walked towards the phone. Nicki yanked my hand back.

"It's not that important daddy ." She whispered in my ear .

"But i still have to see." I said. Nicki let go of me and followed me to the bed where my phone was . On the third ring I answered the phone.

As soon as I did that Nicki started whining.

"Hello?" I answered . Nicki sneaky ass grabbed my hand and trailed it down to her kitty. It was wetter  than the Pacific Ocean . How could I not played with it?

"Yeah , Rih , come to the studio right now!" Drake responded.

I pushed two fingers inside Nicki and she started moaning and my fingers kept slipping out. My fingers curled around her clit then slipped back out.

"Shit-" I mumbled into the phone.

"Huh? " drake asked through the phone.

"Nuttin- I mean nothing I'm on my fu- way" I hesitated to say. Before drake could say another word I  hung up .And I was left with a horny and wet Nicki on my hands.

"Oouu, go faster Fenty, " she dragged

"You want me to go faster huh?" I asked her. She nodded vigorously.

"I want you to beg" I teased

"Daddy please go faster, pretty please " she begged.

I only did three strokes fast and pulled my fingers out, then licked them like a popsicle.

"Robynnnnnnn stahp playing with meeeeeee!" She whined .

"Get ya horny ass up and take a shower" I commanded.

She walked into the bathroom and took off her clothes . Her leg right leg was wet as fuck . I didn't say anything about it I just let it slide . About 3 hours later we got finished getting ready and drove to drakes studio. He was looking at me and Nicki like we were just a piece of meat.

"Hey ladies , " Drake said winking at Nicki. Oh hell no! I grabbed Nicki's arm and licked the whole side of her neck and placed my whole hand on her kitty in one motion. I looked Drake straight in the eyes while doing so.He quickly turned to the other direction.

"The crew and I need you to go to the fitting  room and have an outfit fitting real quick " Drake said

"Bitch , I thought you said this was an emergency !" I shouted .

"Bitch? And nah I just needed you to hurry the hell up so I can leave "Drake said with an attitude .

I grabbed Nicki's hand and walked towards the fitting room and tried on this beautiful blue gown. Nicki couldn't keep her eyes of of it.

"You like it princess ? "

"Yeah it's so puss- I mean pretty " she stuttered .

"Yo ., you are such a hornball, always so damn horny " I joked

"I can't help , if something looks good I take it, and if it looks really good , I'll eat it or suck it ."

"Bitch I wish you would suck something , the only thing you gonna be sucking on is my titties fuck out of here !" I laughed .

"Shit don't have to tell me twice ." Nicki said . She made herself to over where I was and started unzipping my dress.

-little did they know Drake was outside there door watching them , while on his phone calling a mysterious person -

Drake to the mysterious person p.o.v

"They together ?" Asked the mysterious man .

"Yup ! And they can't get enough of each other , there here in the studio , tell me when you're going drop by and do a shoot out so I can dip" drake whispered into the phone .


* runs back from evil lair 🏃🏿 *

Hehehehehhehe , happy late Halloween

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