The end ..

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Ok guys so I'm ending the book . It was nice reading your comments ! And ... that's it .. the end 😂😂😂 pains me to say ...byeee!!

Sike!!!😂😂 did yall see yall faces omg 😂😂 let me stop before y'all beat my ass .

Nicki p.o.v

Robyn was still laying on my chest with dried tears falling off her eyelids . I brushed her cheek gently . Then I thought:"maybe Shakira was right ..." my thoughts trailed off when Robyn nudged her face deep into my neck . I sighed deeply watching her every movement . I decided I wouldn't sleep , I thought it was best for me to watch her , just in case she sleep walks or does something drastic.

3 hours has passed and I was still up dozing off and waking up became usual. I'm very sleep deprived right now. Right now the time is now 5:00 in the morning. I couldn't take it anymore I needed coffee. I went downstairs and made me a cup . Just when I was done making a cup for myself ...

Bang ! Bang ! Bang !

There was a shot of bright lights and bullets bouncing off the wall. Dry and chipped pieces of paint was powdered everywhere ...

Robyn p.o.v

I felt myself being dropped from a sudden hug. I didn't know what the fuck was going on , but I was on high alert . There were noises coming from downstairs and Nika , was missing .i guess that's what Devin meant , when he said "I'll take your most prized possession. "I sneaked downstairs , but not before grabbing my pistol from the top shelf of my closet. I sneaked to the bottom of the steps and started shooting until downstairs was plastered with dry paint . I took my time and waited for a moment , there was a wave of silence.

"Owww!" I heard a familiar voice say.

"Nika is that you ?!!!" I asked running down the remaining steps .

"Yes , Ow- ughhh- ahh!" I heard her whimpering . Soon I came running to her rescue at her side .

"Fuck!! " I shouted to myself .

" a little help please " Nicki said in her baby's voice .

" don't move , I'll get the first aid kit , I can't believe my dumbass shot you wh-"

"Robyn , you didn't shoot me , I fell trying to duck and hide " Nicki said reassuring me.

I took a deep sigh of relieve . I held my heart as the blood stopped rushing and slowed down its pace.

" can you help me up please ." Nicki said with her dimples popping out .

"Oh sorry of course .." I helped her up using my one arm , and she flew to the couch.

"They don't call me daddy for no reasoonnn." I said making her blush .

"They better not , fuck you meannn!" Nicki said staring at me .

She stared at me for 2 minutes .. I hate it when people stare it's so uncomfortable.

"Damn , I know I'm sexy but you don't have to stare so hard mami" I said being a cocky little bitch .

" Robyn we need to talk ..." Nika said running her delicate fingers through my thick dreadlocks.

"Aboooouuuuuttttt...." I asked tensing up and getting nervous .

She came from off the couch to massage my neck and shoulders .

"Babe .. I've been noticing you've been very tense and ...well.. paranoid , what's going on ? Is there something you need to tell me ?" She started off .

Nicki p.o.v

When I asked her that question she hesitated .

"Umm nothing princess , I'm- I'm fine "  she said

"Robynnn , stawp lying to me !! Babe , be honesttt, I know there something you're not telling me !" I whined

"Really !! I'm fine .. don't worry about it .." she said with a fake ass smile . I wasn't getting much access , just asking her , maybe it's time for me to work my magic .

I started sliding my hands from her neck , to her shoulders , after I hit her shoulders I moved closer to her chest . She moaned a bit.

"Mmmhmm" she moaned

I went lower to her breasts and onto her left nipple. That's where her hotspot and nipple piercing was .

She threw her head back and moaned a little bit more . I circled my one finger on her nipple piercing . Her body jittered just a bit .

"Mm, we having another one of THOSE mornings  , Nika ?" She asked lowering her eyelids. I bent down and whisper in her ear .

"Only if you tell me what's wrong Daddy Fenty..." I said still circling her nipple . She stopped for a moment and then smirked . Soon she did a chuckle .

"Lioness , you're not slick , I'm not telling you shitttttt." She said standing up .

"But on a serious note , where the hell did you go last night ?" She asked me .

I hesitated , I had to think of a quick lie .

"I -uh-I-I went for a drive , you know to get my mind off of things " I hesitantly replied .

She walked slowly towards me , looking down on me and concentrating on my eyes .

"What the fuck you lying for man?" She asked me

"Lying I ain't li-"

"Yes the fuck YOU are , I refuse to put my hands on you, but jest tell me the truth , there's no pressure "

I gulped harshly . I couldn't hold it in anymore . Her deep green eyes , just piercing into my soul. And her smirk , just waiting for me to tell a lie . I told her the truth and nothing but the truth . When she heard shakiras name , she almost went as crazy as I did .

"I should have killed this bitch from the start , spreading shit about me , she needs to mind her own fucking business !!!!!" She said grabbing her keys and the gun on the floor .

She started walking towards the door and I ran after her . I had a hold on her arm and tried to drag her back in the house but she stronger than me .

"Robyn ! Please come back , she's not worth it " as I was trying to hold her back I realized how cold it was outside , soon fell to the concrete ground . I ran back inside , with a pout on my face and nothing but a giant shirt on . I pouted inside like a lost puppy with the door a crack open.

"Daddy please come back !" I said with a pout on my face .

Robyn took one more look at me . That irritated , pissed face , faded and she ran back inside . I smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"It's ok babe, she ain't worth it . " I said patting her back .

She looked at me deep in my eyes before saying something .

"Lioness  , I have to tell you something"


What does Robyn have to tell Nikaaaaa...

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