Sisters United Onrobyn

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Roman p.o.v

I was minding my own business , until I heard Nicki crying.

"Nicki what's wrong ?"I asked her

"She didn't answer , so I had to reminisce on what was going on. After I was done . I figured out it was that bitch ROBYN . She's really trying to die tonight.

I summoned Nicki the Ninja and out of nowhere she appeared right next to me .

"Damn nigga , you just popped out on my ass without a warning" I said

"I sensed something was wrong with Onika , wanna fuck some shit up Roman "

"Didn't have to ask fam "

We seen Robyn come downstairs . "It's ok Nicki we got you , " I said she just sat there and cried her eyes out. After Nicki was done yelling at Robyn I couldn't take it anymore . I had to go bizark seeing my sister hurt , made me mad.

I grabbed the nearest thing closest to me and threw at Robyn but I missed .

"Damnit " I said after Robyn looking at Nickis eyes realizing who it was I guess she got scared . Nicki the Ninja made us pop up behind Robyn. I quietly grabbed her throat and flipped her over her head . I ran up to her and punched her in her eye. I took the chair I threw and cracked it over her head. I started to kick her in the throat. I found a whip then I started hitting her on the lip with it. I kept throwing her head back into the wall. Soon it made a hole in the wall. I grabbed all her hair and led her to the pool.

"This is where you die bitch" I said

Nicki the Ninja took her sword and put it by her neck .

" you have dishonor we my sister and you must pay" said Nicki the ninja

Nicki the Ninja picked up her sword and...

"Wait , wait don't do it please , Roman and Ninja , stop your hurting her !" Said Barbie

"Wait , wait don't do it please , Roman and Ninja , stop your hurting her !" Said Barbie

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Me and Nicki the ninja looked at Barbie in her eyes and dropped her.

"Barbie look this is a beach house! Go look around .." I said

"No ! Can I talk to her , please !!?" She asked

Me and Nicki the ninja look at each other , than we looked at her.

"Fine but if she touches you scream ok?" We said

She held out her pinky .

"I super duper promise. " she said

I looked at Robyn , "if you touch our sister , I will not show you no mercy !" Said Nicki the ninja with those as the last words . We both vanished .

Barbie p.o.b
I was watching Robyn on the floor coughing. I quickly rushed to her side .

"Are you ok ? " I asked her

Robyn Rihanna Fenty p .o.v
I know she didn't ask me that dumb ass question .Hoe does it look like I'm ok. Your sisters beat the shit out of me . What the hell wrong with you?

"Yeah I'll be alright soon" I said

"Well what happened why is my big sister crying ?, I hate to see her cry, what did you do ?"

"I'ts a long story" she just nodded and did something weird with her mind . I guess she saw what happened through nikas memory.

"Why did you do that? You thought this was a joke? The emotions she has for you are real Robyn " she said

"I know I didn't realize how real it was until I saw her crying , I thought she would laugh and think it was funny . She can act very sensitive for someone who is tough!"

"Please lower your voice , but you have her all mixed up , she acts tough but that's because she doesn't want to get hurt in the end. "

" I didn't really think about it that way..."

"Robyn it's obvious all you want is to be in power and control the relationship , you can't do that , her calling you daddy and master should be a choice not a command . Relationships are hard and yes you're going to have fights but you have to learn from them. That's how you know more about the person."

" But I like being in control , it's fun and I love seeing her---"

"Scared , intimidated ? Why is it because someone has done it to you once ?"

I looked up . A tear fell from my eye. Yes , but I wanted to see how -"

"It felt for you,? It may feel nice now , but soon Nicki is going to try to find an escape , you have to learn to be equal , 50% 50% , not 60%,40% . That's not how it works ! I know Nicki . I know my sister too well. I promise if you keep it up its not going to get you far. Compare yourself to drake "

"Eww , that soft ass nigga?"

"Yes , him she will wind up with him because , he treats helper with respect , he treasures her, he doesn't abuse her or play with her emotions , unlike you Robyn . Stop being so selfish. "

"I-I'm sorry, "

" I'm not the one you should be apologizing to .. " she pointed to Nicki . " you should apologize to the one you hurt the most Robyn .

"How , I don't think she would want to speak to me"

"Start off small, buy her small little things here and there . It will make her think about you a lot more . It will show that you care . And when she seems calm . You grab her by the hand and COMMUNICATE!"

"Ok , what should I buy her ?"

"Not even I can tell you that, you've been with her for a whole month. This is when you do your part . , you can also DO something for her but I can't tell you , you have to be creative "

" ok thank you Barbie for your help!" I said

She left . I grabbed Nicki and carried her upstairs bridal style. I looked on the floor and I saw the vibrator . I threw it away. I went downstairs and put in the protective passcode . I left the beach house and bought Nicki some flowers . With a scavenger hunt note.

Any ideas for the scavenger hunt??

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Any ideas for the scavenger hunt??

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