Living OnRobyn

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Robyn p.o.v
9:30 p.m

Me and Nicki are finally on good terms now . I threw away the vibrator  and we left the beach house and left the hotel  . We actually rented the whole floor out for Micheal and Bey . We settled down and she's at her house and I'm at mine. Things have been kind of odd. Maybe it's because we don't live in the same place anymore. In my train of thought I heard the door. I answered it and there stood the bright eyed girl I gave everything to smiling at me.

"Hey lioness what are you doing here "? I asked her as I picked her lips.

"Nothing , life just kinda feels odd now that we don't live together , I guess."

" yeah I was just thinking about that, besides us not living together, what else is so different ?" I said scratching my head.

I don't know , maybe it cause I'm lonely .. And horny" Nicki said she murmured the last part .

" what , was that last part?" Rih asked

"Oh I don't know what your talking about , I just said I was lonely " she said trying to sound innocent

" Nika you know I ain't stupid right?"

" I know daddy " she said as she bit her lips.
"It's so hot in you house , " she added while taking her jacket off showing her cleavage.she went inside my kitchen and grabbed an ice cube and started rubbing it on her breasts.

"Yeah it is kind of hot isn't it?" I said trying so hard not to give in to her temptations .

As she rubbed the ice cube on her breasts she started moaning .  "It's so hot in here Robyn , I just want to  ... Get wet . " she stood up and got some more ice. This time she bought ice cream in the room. She sat square on my lap.

"Oh someone is sweaty , you want some ice cream daddy , i mean Robyn " Nicki said . It was true . I was sweating extremely hard trying not to give in. She fed me some ice cream.

"Whoops!" She said still trying to act innocent . " now it's gonna be all sticky " she smiled and got up from my lap . I came from behind her and gently grabbed her neck and pushed her back on the kitchen table .

" call me daddy , again " I demanded

" daddy !" She teased while licking her finger us and down.

I picked her up and set her down on the counter . Her legs was already open . Just I suspected she had on no panties . It was a splash party down there . I got some ice from my freezer and laid it on her entrance .

I started to kiss on her lips and gradually move on to her  chest where the ice cream spilled .i licked the ice cream in a circular motion slowly . My tongue flickered up and down her chest . As soon as she started getting comfortable , I stuck a finger by the clit. Then I used the ice to separate but he lips . Her hips jerked up .

"Baby it's cold" she said in a whisper . I set the ice down and licked it up and down. I stuck a second finger in and started moving up her slit fast. Her hips locked and she wrapped  her legs around my waist .my 2 nd finger moved deeper in by her clit area , where my first finger was . She wrapped her arms around my neck . I wrapped my fingers around her core and twisted it from left to right.

"Ohhhh -ye-Yesss " she slightly above a whisper. While I was doing that I started laying soft kisses around her neck .Nicki started biting my neck and leaving hickeys on there too to stop the screams from coming out .

"It's ok Nika let it out "

"Mmh fuck ! " she said out of breathe .
Her grip around my neck got tighter as I started to circle around the clit.soon she couldn't hold onto me anymore , she had to hold on to something sturdy . She held onto the counter . I started to kiss Nicki intensely adding tongue , as my finger was pumping in and out at a constant paste .i curved the end of my index finger and her legs started shaking .

" OH,yes keep going , yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah " she kept repeating . Nicki made her way to my shirt and started to take it off. She took off my bra and started playing with my chest .
"Oh fuck yes , Nicki "
She started to squeeze and suck my chest, all while her legs were still shaking . My head fell back as she was playing with my nipple .

I grabbed her by the waist while her legs were still shaking and bought her upstairs , in my room. I laid her on the bed and kept doing what I was doing . I started to bend down and add tongue . I flicked my tongue up and down her slit. And she started to squirt a little . I replaced my fingers with my tongue and started circling around her clit.she started squirming .

"Oh yes daddy , mhmhm!!!she said again out of breath. I moved my head at the same pace at my tongue and she squirted some more . I grabbed her leg and put on my shoulder , right after I took off my pants . Now both of our pussies were touching . I grinded mines against hers. Her eyes close and she was breathing hard.

" Oh ! Fu-daddy you feel so good"
"I know !" I smiled
Seconds later she came. I put my mouth on her whole vagina and slurped it up as she watched me.

"Mm-you taste good lioness "
Her eyes was barely opened so I didn't bother her. I took off her clothes and laid her down in my bed . And I laid next to her . A couple of minutes went by it was dead silent .

"Daddy I want to live with you , I want a house together" I turned around and looked at her. I cupped her cheeks and kissed her.

"Yes baby girl you can" I said while griping her ass . She just smiled and slept with her ass picking in my vagina . Just how I liked it 😌

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Don't give up on me please ✨😘

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