Martha Onrobyn

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Read Martha's dialogue in a British accent .

Martha p.o.v
I simply cannot believe what my daughters have done. This is absolutely without a doubt poor behavior. I can't believe what they have done to this poor girl. The fact that they've done this before I even got a chance to see the girl makes me utterly upset. I seen this poor girl in the corner. I Gently tapped her on her arm to see if she was still conscious. She woke up and her eyes gotten big. She slowly started to crawl away.

"Oh no, no dear , I'm not like those other crazy people, trust me I'm a lot nicer " she looked at me . She seemed a little more calm.

Robyn Rihanna Fenty p.o.v
I looked at someone in Nicki's figure. She looked at me too and her eyes shuttered white. White was a very calming color to me.

"Who are you?" I asked her

"Sorry for my daughters, they are very protective when it comes to Nicki and each other . They must really had sympathy for you if you're alive. Hahaha dear , I'm only teasing . My name is Martha." She said

"Martha? That's a very beautiful name "

"Why thank you dearly , you are a very beautiful girl , oh what a giant mess this room is ! What a mess you are , I have to clean all this up immediately!" She said

" no it's fine I rented out this whole floor we can just sleep in another room." I said

"No, let me I don't want you to go through all of that trouble. Here let me clean you up first. with a wave of a magic wand , I command all your dreadful scares GONE." She said

With those words all my scares were gone... Except the one that says "property of Onika & her alter egos ".

"Excuse me ,Martha , you forgot about this one ." I said

"Oh dear , don't think that I didn't see you beat Onika with that whips ! That stays as a reminder of what NOT to do, or you'll have a visit from one of my daughters." She spoke.

I was speechless, Nicki is really crazy, I'm not sure if I could pull through with this. While I was in my train of thought Martha cleaned the room.

"thank you so much , I don't know how to repay you.!" I said

"No problem dear, just don't ever play with Nicki's emotions like that. Yes I understand she has a huge mouth on her. I also understand she has a bit of an attitude problem. As tough as she seems her heart isn't as ruthless as you think." She said

"Yes ma'am I understand , I have a question for you though..." I said hesitantly

"What is it dear? You don't have to be scared I'm not Nicki the ninja" she giggled

"When is Onika coming back?" I asked

" sooner than you think dear , drink this , it will help with the migraines " she said .
She handed me this clear container with some type of orange liquid in it. I just took it and drunk it . Within seconds I was tired . She laid me in the bed and tucked me in.

"Sleep tight Robyn darling, Nicki will be with you by sunrise ". I heard her say

I nodded my head and entered a deep sleep.

A couple of hours later I felt the bed move . My vision was blurry , but I think it was Nicki. Only one way to find out.

I woke up and stood in the middle of the walk way and waited for the person to come out the bathroom. They finally came out.

"Lioness?" I asked

"Yes master?" I heard

I ran to Nicki and swept her into my arms. She started laughing . "Master put me down!" She shouted . I put her down and set her on the desk. I looked at her dead in the eyes and connected our lips with a deep kiss.

"Princess, I am so sorry for how I made you feel at the Award ceremony. I am also very sorry for the way I've been treating you . I'm just really scared to lose you. You're very special to me." After pouring my heart out to her. I kept on kissing her.

After kissing her I noticed she was frowning.

"What's wrong lioness?"

"You've met them haven't you?" She says starting to tear up.

I sighed deep. " yes I have , but meeting them helped me know more about you! Isn't that what relationships are all about baby girl?"

"Yes , but I'm so ashamed , I really didn't want you to find out , and even if you did, I didn't want you to find out it this way!" She started to cry

"No lioness don't cry , stop with the soft shit, if these are your "flaws" then they make you even more beautiful in my eyes!" I said while wiping the tears with my thumb.

"You've met Roman, how are you suppose to love that?! I am so disgusting !" She says looking in the mirror.

"ONIKA TANYA MARAJ! I know damn well you didn't say you're disgusting , your beautiful as fuck , and I will sure as hell will learn to love Roman . So you sure as hell can love yourself ." I said . She fell into my arms

" you promise ?" She asked me

"I promise lioness" I said holding out my pinky

"Come on lioness , lets go eat breakfast downstairs , then  head to the limo later. I have a surprise for you back in Beverly Hills " I said . She gasped .

" REALLY, what is it master?!" She said

I chuckled "it wouldn't be much of a surprise if I told you lioness. Don't worry about it. Let's wash up and go eat some breakfast."

We both ran into the bathroom and took off our clothes...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha cliff hanger .. Not really but 🙂 should I keep going? don't be stingy with the comments 😘

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