JaCorey onrobyn

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Later during that same day ...

Jasmine p.o.v

I was in Corey's room watching tv until she came home . I saw Nicki's name and incident pop on the screen.

"Young money member, Onika Maraj , formerly known as Nicki Minaj, has gotten injured on the Beyoncé tour. She was flying on the --"  I turned off the tv . This incident just upset me all the way . I tried to get my mind off things . The perfect distraction came running through the room .

"BAAAABBEEEE!!! " Corey said running towards me .i chuckled a bit . Before I knew it she ran and tackled me in the bed .

"Corey , I'm gonna beat your ass! Stop tackling me " I yelled

"Oh you mean .. like this !" She said tackling me on the floor.

I grabbed her arm and tackled her on the floor with her arms behind her back . I don't know why dusty females like to play so much .

"I miss you give me a kiss ! " she said pouting her lips together . I gave her a peck . She seemed pretty satisfied with that.

"Babe , I made the front cover of the magazine see!" She showed me a magazine with her on the cover .

"Awe ! Congratulations !" I said

I looked through the magazine and I spotted a page that caught my attention .

"Babe you wanna buy me these ?" I asked her

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"Babe you wanna buy me these ?" I asked her.

"If I do , you ain't gonna be a virgin no more .. haha , you wild " Corey said

" maybe , I don't want to be a virgin , anymore ."

As I said that Corey's eyes got huge.

"Haha, you're wild for real , I mean wassup?" She asked me getting closer, pushing me on the bed. I grabbed her neck and smashed our lips together.

"Are you sure you're ready jasmine ?" She asked me. I hesitated for a second .

"Umm ..yeah" I said sounding unsure.

"Ok , lay on your back " she says .

I laid on my back .

"Jasmine , get your ass up, I'm not taking your virginity !" Said Corey .

"Why nottttt?!" I whined .

"Because when I asked you , you seemed so unsure of yourself , it's ok , it's not all about sex , we can wait if that makes you comfortable .. let's just cuddle and watch a movie . " said Corey .

I caught a little attitude . I don't think Corey noticed . Corey started changing out of her tracksuit that she has to wear ,when it's a bikini , bra , or lingerie photo shoot. She looked so irresistible. As she was changing I came from behind her and slapped her ass.

"Jasmine knock it off " Corey said . I slapped her ass agin , harder this time and she grabbed my waist harshly. I love it when she does this , although it never gotten anywhere. I smirked .

"Jasmine , you're not slick . " she said . I was pissed so I just laid in the bed with a long t shirt. She came behind me and cuddled with me . I felt her get a little moist and I arched my back a little then pointed my butt on her vagina.

She jumped a bit and left the room. Am I really ready for sex ? I think I am . She doesn't think I am though .

She came back to the room with a new pair of underwear and some hot chick aye for the both of us .

"What movie do you wanna watch ass- I mean jass" she said correcting herself . I tired not to laugh , but it my laughter was forcing itself out. I kept my composure .

"Hmm... let's watch...ALICE THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS!" I yelled.

"Ok where's the remote ?" She asked me . It should be on the ground . I looked but it wasn't there. Corey looked under the blanket and it was next to my hip. She grabbed the remote and accidentally caressed my lower hip in the process.

"Oooouu" I moaned. She paused for a moment then licked her lips .

"Damn ma, that shit was sexy as fuck ." She said .

I blushed a little bit . She started to rub my booty and kiss my neck .

"Moan like that again for me ma.." Corey said .

I pushed her off. " I wasn't ready for sex remember !" I snarled .

She laughed . "Oh , now you wanna listen to me?" Corey said .


I know short chapter this has been a Corey and jasmine chapter , because some people sent me a chat saying they wanted some of them .so here you arrreeeeee....

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