Mystery man Onrobyn

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Robyn p.o.v

As Nicki and I were goofing off in the dressing room.Drake knocked on the door. Nicki quickly crawled off of my lap and sat next to me.

"Aye I have to go run a quick errand for Wayne I'll be right back." He said

"Ooh can I go , I have a new song I need to discuss with baby & Wayne " Nicki said

"Uh , naw. This is just a quick thing I have to do -uhh-I'll be right back " Drake said swiftly running towards the door.

Nicki and I looked at each other confused but nervous for some odd reason .

"What was that about ?" She asked

"Not sure ,something's kinda sketchy though."

"What do you think could be so sketchy ?"

"Not sure something just doesn't feel right " I said with a suspicious look .

"You know what doesn't feel right , your tongue in your mouth instead of my pussy" Nicki teased .

"Yo chillllllll with all that gay shit dawg " I joked .

"I can't chill when I'm around you , you make me feel so alive baby , I lo-" Nicki has gotten cut off with gunshots going through the window .

💥 Bang Bang 💥

Nicki and I crouched down on the floor and hid  behind the couch. A bullet from fell from the blinds and hit the floor infuriating Nicki. I could see her trembling in fear and horror . Her lips were quivering and eyes were fluttering .

"Robyn ! I'm scared , what's happening ?!" She asked while her hand was nervously sweating . I grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers together . She looked at me with her light brown eyes. A smiled peaked a little on her face .

"It's ok princess , Imma protect you ok , I promise they won't touch a hair on your head" I said .

She nodded .I stood up just a little bit so a bullet wouldn't hit me or my lioness . I held her hand tight as she followed me to the hallway.

"Stay right here and take this " I said as I handed her the pistol .

"If anyone touches you , you shoot it ok"

"Robyn I don't know if I could do this "  she said . I grabbed her face and gave her a deep sentimental kiss . I slipped my tongue in her mouth and she sucked on it . I pulled away

"Yes you can, I believe in you " I said before I walked towards the entrance door with my pistol in one hand .

Nicki P.o.v

I did what I was told by Robyn , I sat in the hallway and waited for her to come back. But , what if -she doesn't comeback , my life would be over , what if she dies and whoever is shooting has their way with me . What if I never see my family again. What if I never meet Robyns family -what if I meet her family at HER funeral. A tear streamed from my eye.

In the mist of my thoughts I heard footsteps coming closer to my area.

"Robyn?" I asked

"Think again princess!" Said a mysterious man with a black ski mask on his face holding a pistol.

Robyns p.o.v

As I was shooting my gun at the tires of the black SUV screeching off, I heard Nicki scream and a bullet fall afterwards. My heart began to beat and tears started dropping then shortly anger .

If I found out my love is dead I'm killing any and everyone on sight , that's on my mother and father! I thought .

Soon as I hit the corner I seen blood on lionesses face ... but it wasn't hers . I glanced at the dead body next to her oozing out blood from the chest. I glanced by at Nicki trying so hard to hold in tears . By now the SUV was gone and the shooting stopped.

Nicki ran into my arms crying .

"I killed him.." Nicki muttered

"Yes, lioness you did ..." I said  . I was extremely speechless myself , something so cute and innocent killed something so ugly and violent.

Nicki's soft sobs turned into louder cries. I stood up and was rubbing her back up and down .

"It's ok baby girl let it out ." I said stroking her sides.

" I thought I was going to lose you forever" Nicki said .

"Never , I'm right here , see I'm not going no where princess ." I said trying to calm her down .

I took a look at the man laid face down on the ground and flipped him over to where I could see his face .i later removed the ski mask.

"Who is it ?" Nicki asked with her face buried in my neck .

"I don't know it's just a random guy. " I said surprised .

"What do we do now papa bear ?" She asked me with her puppy dog eyes

"Come on let's just go home " I said walking her to the car .

10 minutes later

We finally got home and Nicki washed the remaining blood from her face and we both showered afterwards. As of right now we are in bed talking .

"Is that what it's like ?" Nicki asked me .

"What ?"

"Your first time killing someone , its that what it's like ?"

I sighed deeply ." Yes , but you get used to it ." I replied

"I don't know if I could get used to it Robyn."

"It's not for everyone babygirl"

Moments later she fell asleep in my arms . I stayed up trying to figure out why this happened , and why did it happen at the studio , where me and Nick could only be found . Could Drake be apart of it ? Nah he a pussy ass nigga . Just as I was thinking of more suspects Nicki started squirming , and her squirming turned into cries . She woke up with beams of sweat on her face .

"Bad dream ?" I asked

She hugged me and cried in my neck .

"Robyn , I had a dream that someone killed you and then I killed them , it was just a mess, please don't leave me !"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"I'm never EVER going to leave you , ok . I love you. " 


Sorry for tha late update guys ..
if Donald trump becomes president I'm moving to Jamaica ... bye 🤗

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