Beachhouse OnRobyn

780 32 4

Onika Tanya Maraj p.o.v


I ran inside and looked all around , this was breathtaking, as I was taking in the scenery , I felt 2 arms wrap around me . I looked down and it was Robyn. I smiled.

"I love you so much lioness " she said with her chin on my shoulder.

"I love you more daddy" I said .

She grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. She led me into our room it was so beautiful .

"Robyn , how long are we staying here , it's beautiful" I said

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"Robyn , how long are we staying here , it's beautiful" I said

" As long as you want lioness , this is all for you " she said while changing

I bit my lips. "Is that all for me too daddy?" I questioned . Robyn looked at me with lust in her deep green eyes. She pointed her fingers towards me and told me to come here with her fingers . I crawled seductively over the bed and looked up at her . I watched as she licked her lips. She grabbed me by the chin, connecting our lips. She grabbed my ass . I was letting out an occasional moan in the kiss.

As I was moaning , she started to un strap my bra. I pushed back on the bed and she got on top of me. I started to take off her shirt. Surprise, surprise , she was wearing no bra.
I broke away from the kiss and started to suck on her nipple piercing. I circled my tongue around the little ball and her body jittered.

"Fuck ! Uhh-yeah right there" I heard her say . I didn't understand why she liked her nipple piercing licked. It looks like it hurts like hell, but whatever to please my baby. She finally got caught out of my trance and pinned me on the bed. I started breathing quicker.

She bent down by my ear. " Lioness, you have no idea what you gotten yourself into." She whispered into my ear. I loved it when she did that. I wrapped my legs around her hips .she started kissing me on my breasts, wet kisses all over them. Especially over the nipple. She started leaving a trail towards my stomach. She stopped at my thong and started wiggling it. 2 seconds later she tore the thing open. My eyes widened.

"Damn daddy you couldn't just take it off?" I asked

"Shut up " she said as she gripped my thigh. As she gripped my thigh I started to whimper.she finally let go. She slapped my pussy until it turned red . That's when she started to rub the outside.

"It hurts lioness " she asked me

"Yeah , bu-but it feels g-good!" I struggled to say. She spat on her hands and rubbed it in between my lips. She took her tongue and circled it around my clit. Not again!

She circled her tongue around my clit and stuck her finger in me. She stuck 3 in me. 5seconds later...

"Get in doggy, lioness " she said
I did what I was told . She was pumping her fingers in and out. She started pumping while circling my clit. It felt good until she started curving her finger in my g spot. She curved it an inch and I went crazy!!

"AHH-o, FU-FUCK, yes , yes . Yes " I squealed

The more I squealed the faster she went. She started to switch up . She thrusters her tongue on my clit. I started jerking my body up and down. My body then buckled.

" Shit , Nika , you're wet as fuck!" I heard her grunt

"All for you da-dddy , it's all for y-shit , I oh, mhmm" My eyes started rolling to the back of my head. Robyn slapped my ass.

"Ohh f-fu-FUCKKKKKKKKK! Daddy I-m bouta "

"Don't cum yet lioness , tell me who's the master?" She asked me

"Y-you're the mas-shit , can I cum now baby?" I asked

"Nika , I asked you a question and no! You better fucking not or else "

"F-fuck , I'm cuming"

"Nika if you cum , I swe- " I came a little over her finger . Robyn got up and shoved it in my mouth. She shoved her three fingers down my throat.

"Didn't I tell your ass not to cum?" She asked me

"Yes master but , I-"

" but I nothing you wait here and DONT put your clothes back on " she said

I nodded

Robyn left . 10 minutes later. She came upstairs with something behind her back.

"What's that master ?" I asked her. A huge grin came across her face . She ran over and blindfolded me .

"What are you doing?" I asked trying to get out of her grip. She pinned me down on The bed .

" fuck , you make me wet when you do that !" I said

" I know I can see the bed drippin'.

Next thing I know Robyn stuck something inside me ... I gasped really loud ..

Ahh shit Robyn!!! !! What the fuck was that? I asked

Next thing you know it started vibrating .

Ahhhhhhhhhh!! Shit .

I felt Robyn put some clothes on me .
I started to get wet again soaking my pants. Robyn took the blindfold off of me smiling.

"Robyn what was that? I asked her

" my best friend, I told your ass not to cum, and the amount of times you cum , is the exact amount of days , we Cant have se--"

I interrupted her with a loud moan.

"Sorry daddy con-tinue. " I said

"You know what forget it , wait till tomorrow, then your ass is gonna be sorry. Goodnight " Robyn said . I whined

"No daddy wake up, please , ahh -ohh, no daddy wake up" I whined

I got on top of her and started licking her nipple piercing . She moaned a little .

"F-fucc-! , " I yelled

I tried taking the vibrator out of me but it shocked me.

Robyn smirked .

"Nice try Nika" she laughed

"This isn't a-ahhh - fucking -OHHHHH FUCK FUCK FUCK .... Joke daddy. Daddy wake up I'm still horny " I screamed .

"Onika shut the fuck up in trying to sleep" she said in her sleepy voice.

I went down on her and started to suck her clit.she jumped and started moan. Moments later her legs starts to shake and , she cums. After that she grabbed me by the neck . She slammed me on the bed and whispered in my ear.

" and now your not getting head in a week, keep fucking with me onika " she said

I couldn't help but to moan and play with my tits . Everything she does right now is so sexy.

I cumed 8times before I went to sleep. By the time I woke up , the whole bed was entirely wet.

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