Regrets Onrobyn

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Robyn Rihanna Fenty p.o.v

I regret every single thing I've done . Is it because of my past ? Is it because of my present . Why did I have to be a player . Nicki just had something that not even Shakira had . Somehow , someway , I have to get her back . I have to make sure she stays for good . First thing I have to do is ...break things off with Shakira .

I walked back towards the rowdy and sweaty crowd . Moments later a few fans noticed me . I was able to fan them off. Once I had the courage I walked to Shakira . She had a huge smile on her face when she saw me .

"Shakira, its over ." I said

"What do you mean ?"

" duh , I mean we're through, over , done , finished .. Nicki was right I never wanna see you again !" I shouted. Her mouth fell open . My guards and I left the building and went back to the hotel .

Once I got to the hotel , I packed all my things . Now I have to find out where Nicki is going next ...

Onika Tanya Maraj p.o.v

Meek and I walked hand in hand to a fancy establishment. The restaurant had three floors and a beautiful rooftop , covered with roses and candles . As we walked in a waiter greeted us . Meek saved a reservation for both of us . Just as I suspected it was the rooftop view . As we were getting closer and closer the sound of a violin caressed my ears.

My eyes displayed with joy and amusement

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My eyes displayed with joy and amusement. It was enchanting. Meek noticed my eyes glistening and sparked a white smile. He pulled out a black leather chair for me to sit in .

"Wow ! This is amazing , look at the view ! You outdid yourself Mr.Mill!"

"Anything for tha' kid " he remarked

"Oh.. I'm tha kid huh?" I replied using air quotations around tha kid.

" yea, you're tha kid , is there a problem ?" He asked biting his lip.

I instantly became weak . His pearly white teeth biting those juicy thick and luscious lip ."no , there's no problem , I actually like it !"


My phone went off . I rolled my eyes . My cheeks blushed a bright red with embarrassment.

"I'm so sorry , this would just be a second " I said walking off towards a more private area .

I looked at the calmer I.D. That sent me a text . It's was none other than Robyn. What does she want . Instead of back and forth texting , I decided to call her.

Phone convo :

Nicki: hello ? Rob-Rihanna , what do you want ?

Rihanna: Onika , Tanya Maraj , stop fucking calling me Rihanna!

Nicki: you have no right to curse at me we're just BUSINESS PARTNERS. And you will also call me by my stage name .

Rihanna : so you wanna act like a little brat ? Here you go back with the little attitude shit ! But I didn't call you to bicker and argue , where is your next show going to be at ?

Nicki: Queens New York ! Now if you don't mind I have a date !

In a matter of seconds I clicked the 'end call' button , then resumed back to my date .

"Sorry , conference calls you know how that goes " I blankly replied .Meek laughed it off and the waitress came .

The waitress was a beautiful light skin girl , with skin clear as day . She had very high cheek bones and a slim figure .

" hello my name is Ciara , and I will be your waitress today , can I interest you in our new drink the pink margarita ?" She says handing us our menus

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" hello my name is Ciara , and I will be your waitress today , can I interest you in our new drink the pink margarita ?" She says handing us our menus . We both replied with a resounding no .

"Can we get started with drinks ? " she asked .

" can I have just some pink lemonade with no ice ? "

"Can I have Hennessy , with salt on the rim and lemons in the side ." Meek asked .

She wrote our orders down on the yellow notepad and walked downstairs .

"So , Meeky mouse , I know you're a ladies man , I bet you're the 'hit it and quit it' type of guy ."

"Haha ... no actually I'm not , just a rumor . I don't really like doing those type of things , because my daughter is a reflection of me , I don't want here to see her pops running around with any type of women that treat her any type of way . But what about you , I heard that you just got out of a relationship with that Rihanna girl ." He said staring me down

At that moment I froze . The question shook me . I didn't want my past to foreshadow my future relationships . Should I tell him ?

" hehe , no that's just a rumor , the paparazzi will do anything for a good story ." I reassured him .

The waitress walks back upstairs and hand us our drinks .

"So shall we start off with appetizers or main entrees ? " Ciara asked

" I'll have a main entree, can I just have the pasta dish with a sesame side salad with some bacon bits ?" I questioned

"Ma'am I'm sorry there are no more bacon bits , would you like to substitute if for something else like mushrooms or olives ?" Ciara said a little worried .

"Yes , substitute it for mushrooms please and thank you !"

She wrote my requests down on a yellow pad and asked Meek if he would have the entree or appetizers. He replied with an entree . He wanted a burger with a side of rib stacks and onion rings .

A few minutes passed by . We were laughing and talking . We were talking about silly stuff , growing up in the hood . And many more things .

Our food finally got here and we ate. I was watching Meek eat the burger . Then he most randomest thought came to mind . What if he ate pussy like that ? I seen him licked the whole rim of his cup and it gave me chills . With every tongue stroke he would occasionally slurp .

After we were done eating , and I was done fantasizing about me and him in bed , the bathroom , the kitchen, and the Porsche.

Meek got drunk . But it wasn't going to stop me from getting a picture and posting it . We said our goodbyes. And I asked if Bey could pick me up . We need to head to New York pronto. That date was everything .

ya I know lame chapter ... but

And all of that ... sorry I take to long to update . I have projects and allat to do..


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