Scavenger hunt pt 1.

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Sorry peoples school has gotten me .. up and down , hope this chapter will make up for it . wink*
And let's continue on with the story...
Nicki p.o.v

After a long night of crying , and arguing in my head, i woke up with a splitting headache. I looked around for Robyn , and she was no where to be found. Thank God. I hopped out the bed and stretched. I went straight to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I started to get hungry and went downstairs. There was a man with a violin playing music.

"Um hi.. who are you?" i asked backing up.

"sorry madam moi sere, I have been sent by Ms. Fenty, here you go." he said

He gave me a note from Robyn. It read :

Morning lioness, I know you're not in the mood to talk to me right now, and i understand , that's ok.. You might think i left you, i hate you , and a whole bunch of things, but , i don't i just want you to have fun today, so i set up a huge scavenger hunt all over the city just for you. Ok so here's you first clue ...

I know you might be hungry , and maybe its a little sunny , but go outside , where you think its honey .."

I looked at the violinist he just smiled playing music.

I went outside and was just thinking. "where you think its honey , what do you even think that means ?"

An idea sparked in my head, A bee hive ! I walked towards a bee hive and boom! I seen Beyonce'!

"Beyonce , what are you doing here?!" i asked her as i gave her a hug.

"hey honey , rihanna wanted me to do this scavenger hunt thing with you! Here is your next clue " she said

The next clue read...

I see you're very clever and you found bey, i know your still hungry but look for an oddly shaped clay "

I looked at bey, with a puzzled look ,"oddly shaped clay" What does that mean.

Bey looked at me and shrugged her shoulder. Ok well, i'm hungry so lets look for it around the bay area. Oddly shaped clay , i kept thinking. I concentrated on the ground really hard. I think i've found it. I picked it up and it was shaped like a heart. Awe , i thought. I picked it up and called bey over to me.

"look bey , i found it !" i said

"awe, its shaped like a heart !, There's a note on the back of it." she said

I saw the note and started to read...

"okay , okay breakfast is on its way, i just needed something to distract you from bey , turn around and breakfast is served, the place we had our date , and we had 2 main entrees served"

I turned around and there was a table with a huge breakfast buffet for me and bey, the man who was playing the violin earlier, was there too. I smiled as my dimples popped out. Beyonce was just sitting at the table laughing.

"Beyonce Knowles ! I can't believe you made all of this for me !!!" i said with my hands on my hips.

she stood up "actually i didn't rihanna did , i just helped set up" she said

I embraced her with my arms and gave her a huge hug. Even though you didn't cook this, i appreciate you for helping Robyn do this! Thank you so much Bey!" i said,

After that sentimental moment , i couldn't take it , everything looked so good on the table. I dug right in . Everything that i loved was incorporated into this meal ! The first thing on my plate was extremely crispy bacon. I also had cherries and almonds , and an omelet ! My mouth watered.

"My .. goodness... robyn.. can cook like a master chef , this is so good ! " i said

Bey, didnt even reply she just stuffed her face ... I heard her phone vibrate and she checked her messages . "looks like its a clue from Robyn " she said . I rolled my eyes.

"i see how you work Nicki, you get a little food in you and you act hella heart less !" said Beyonce, while she was laughing .

"Ok Nicki so the next clue is from Robyn is ...

Stuffing you face? Such a disgrace , do me a favor and look under your plate !" said beyonce as she read the clue to me.

I looked under my plate there was another note. I'm so tired of reading all these damn notes !

the note read ...

" Since your probably done, why don't you head out for fun, looking for clothes ? go upstairs where you were "exposed"".

As i read the note, i blushed a little . Beyonce saw it and she smiled.

I went upstairs in the bedroom and looked everywhere, i found a package with a Chanel tag on it . I screamed extremely loud!! I guess beyonce heard me , because she ran upstairs .

"What's going on?"she asked getting nervous .

"look ", i said pointing to the Chanel tag , while jumping up and down. Beyonce just shook her head and rolled her eyes. I opened the bag , and there was a bathing suit , a purple and red dress, there was also a robe with my name on it.. I looked to see if there was anything else in the bag , and it was a camera. I opened it and there was a video message from Robyn.

"ugh what the fuck does this bitch want now?" i said smiling , excited to open the video message.

"Hey Nika baby, i know you probably like what the fuck does this bitch want, but listen, i have bought you a couple of items , you will wear them in this exact order only ok , lioness?? here's the order , bathing suit , robe , then dress , ok! I just want you to have a special day , I love you lioness, ! And don't forget please take pictures of your day with this camera. bye , love you!!"

With that Nicki changed into her bathing suit...

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