Errands onrobyn

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Robyn p.o.v

I woke up around 8:30 in the morning .
Bing !
My phone vibrated indicating I have a message .

Drake:Rih , we have a performances scheduled tomorrow , and we have rehearsals for 3 hours today from 3:00 to 6:00pm. Be ready !

Rih: oh shit I totally forgot !! Alright I'll be at the arena at 2:30 ok , see ya !

Drake : bye

The text convo ended

I got up and put on some pants . As I was putting in my pants I turned around and spotted Onika Snoring . Awe she's so cute . Nothing but light snores coming out of that mouth. Maybe this was the time to show Nika how well I can cook. I went downstairs and started to cook breakfast . We were having bacon , biscuits , sausage , hash browns plantains ,omelets ,French toast , pancakes ! That's right my baby's a little fat bitch and I love it! As I was cooking I felt a pair of arms wrapped around me.

Nickis p.o.v

I was awoken from my sleep from the smell of food . I walked downstairs not even caring I was naked . I seen Robyn making food for the both of us . I decided to surprise her and wrap my arms around her . She flinched and then turned around . My forehead was now meeting  hers. I looked at her chest as she did my whole body. She had on no shirt & I had on no clothes .

"Go put some clothes on before I rape you lioness" she smirked

"But I feel kinda nice like this . You put on a shirt before I rape you !" I teased

"You can't possibly rape me ,"

"And how come ?" I asked kind of whining

"Because , I'm stronger than you , and I know your hotspots "

"No you don't !"

"Oh really wanna bet" she smirked and pushed me on the wall and kissed on my breasts after that she grabbed my inner thigh .
My body tensed up .

"That's what I thought " she said

"No , that's not fair !" I whined

"Ok , how about this , I'll put on a shirt if  you put on some clothes" she said


Robyn p.o.v

We raced upstairs to put some clothes on . Since I was the first one downstairs I checked to see if the food was ok . It was so I made myself a plate and waited for Nika to come downstairs . She came downstairs in a crop top and jeggings that show off her curves .

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