Breakfast pt 2

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Jasmine Mill p.o.v

As my father and Nicki were doing their weird on and off flirting me and Corey was talking to Beyoncé. She was a lot nicer in person . She was a lot more energetic than she looks on stage . At the crack of my eye I seen my dad smile , while Nicki was staring out the window . He might have a thing for her...

Finally we got to our private breakfast area , Corey and I walked hand in hand in front of everyone. They all followed behind us and we sat at the longest table there . Everything was set up for us we didn't have to order a thing .

Meek Mill p.o.v
Nicki and I decided to get our own booth . I gotta be honest , I'm kind of feeling this girl . She's beautiful . Intelligent , trustworthy , and funny . Not to mention that body is just ooouuu! We sat at a table far from everyone else and had our own conversation.

"So , I hear jasmine is trying to be an actress... I use to act at LaGuradia High school in New York ."

"You act? Wow is there anything you can't do ?"

"This is going to sound weird , but I can't wink !" She said smiling showing her deep dimples

"Really ?? Show me "

Nicki tries to wink , but ends up twitching both eyes . She looked so cute . I couldn't help but to laugh .

"See , I feel retarded !" She said laughing . In a brink of time the food came and sat right in front of us . For our first course meal we had , a vegetarian style omelet , parfait and sausage links with a side of hash browns and crispy smoked bacon . We also had a choice between hot chocolate orange juice and water .

" yum , this all looks so good !" She replied . Within semi items she devoured her whole plate . Geesh for a small girl she could eat .

"You're not hungry Meek ?" She asked me blinking her long thick lashes .

I just licked my lips .

"Um nah , I'm more of a bread water ya dig ?"

"Boy , I know that's right ! Speaking of ... Me and Bey have to leave soon to go to Miami "

She walked over to Beyoncé , and reminded her about the flight . I guess Beyoncé forgot about it because once Nicki reminded her , her mouth dried open and she ran outside . Nicki came back to our table .

"Hey , we have to go , but it was nice talking to you Meek " she said right before she went outside .

I caught an idea . I chased after her and grabbed her hand .

"Wait ! Can we do this again . Right after your concert , how about over dinner ?" I asked . When I asked her my palms started to sweat . What if she said no .

She smiled at me and nodded as she got into her limo .


Robyn Rihanna Fenty  p.o.v

After what seems like hours we finally reached Miami , what a sight to see ! It
Was amazing . The pilot asked where is our hotel . I didn't know , since I didn't  make this trip . I asked Shakira and she said 'The Royal inn ' . Our pilot dropped us off and we went inside the hotel , like a giant jet didn't just come out of nowhere.

Thank god the hotel was vacant . Although the front desk lady did recognize me and asked for a photograph and a picture . I didn't have the time . She was kind of pissed but I didn't give  a single fuck .

Shakira talked to the lady and she gave her a pair of keys to get into our hotel room . Our hotel room was on the 3rd floor .

 Our hotel room was on the 3rd floor

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It was a nice , little hotel room . I could do better , but again it was her surprise to me .

"This is pretty cool " I said . She put our bags in the corner and bounced on the bed . Her legs spread wide open .

"Ohh daddy can you check on my pipes ?" She said in a seductive tone .

I pulled her legs open by me .
"Hmm something seems to be clogging up your pipes " I said . She pushed my head down to her area . I removed her hand from my head and pinned them on the bed next to her sides .

Knock knock !

Someone knocked on the door . I sucked my teeth before getting up and answering the door .

"Hey there , we have some attractions and a show here in Miami just a couple miles away . If you're interested, have a royal day here at the royalty inn !" The person said . I snatched the tickets out there hands and slammed the door in their face.

Shakira was on the bed , on her knees , when I got back to the bed .

"Who is that and what did they want ?"
She asked me

"They just wanted to give us attraction cards ." I replied . She snatched them from me and sat on my lap .

"Babe let's go to the mystery show tomorrow , it starts at 7:30 , we have to go ! This is the thrilling adventure I was talking about. " she begged .

I rolled my eyes . "Fine , but I do believe your pipes were clogged " I said with a smirk on my face .

"Oh yeah , can you fix it please , " she said .

Before I knew it she was all over me taking off my clothes...

Corey p.o.v

After Jasmine dad asked Nicki for a date , she pulled me to a corner .

"Babe , what's. going on ?" I asked her .

"Nothing , I'm just having m my Corey cravings " she said biting her lips .

"Oh really ? " I said grabbing her waist

"Yes daddy!" She said kissing me over and over again . She was kissing every aspect of my face , including my neck .

"Babe , chill out , were in a public setting , what if your dad sees "

She frowned.  "You're right babe , I'm sleeping over your house after the concert tomorrow . " Jasmine said

I smiled and pecked her on the lips . I can't wait for their concert tomorrow it's going to be lit .

_____________________________________yall !! Be patient ok , :) I still got tricks up my sleeve !! It's going to be litty lit lit , btw this book is FAR from being over . It only just begun . The bullshit hadn't start yet . But when it does yall gonna hate me 😂😂😂

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