Blunt Onrobyn

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Roman p.o.v

As I woke up from my little nap. I smelled something . It was a pleasant aroma . I followed the scent and it led me downstairs . It was my weakness . That 420, the ganja , the tree, the plant , that good bob Marley other words weed. The worse part was that she wasn't even smokin it right ... wtf ? I gradually walked towards her and snatched the blunt out of her hand . She looked shocked .

"Nigga give me that shit ! You ain't even smoking it right bruh !"I inhaled it and exhaled with my nose .

"Nika? You smoke? And I thought your tired ass was sleeping , hell nah , give  daddy her shit back right now ." She demanded .

I smirked . "Nika? You smoke?" I said mimicking her . She took a deep breath and looked me dead in my eyes .

Robyn p.o.v

It took me a while to realize Roman jumped in Nicki's body . To tell you the truth , I didn't know Roman smoked , Nicki probably didn't know but it's cool with me .

"Yo , so what the fuck you hiding from Nicki Rob? Roman asked

"Nothing bruh, don't worry about it " I said exhaling another puff before speaking . "And besides how you know I'm hiding something "I asked getting offensive.

" nigga , me and you basically is the same person , I know you hiding something bro , I can feel it in my soul " she said pointing to her neck .

I couldn't help but buss out laughing . This bitch was high asf if she think her soul in her neck .

"Fuck is you laughing for nigga ?"

"You ! Fawk you mean .. you just pointed to ya neck talking about some damn , "I could feel it in my soul" head ass!" I started cracking up and fell on the other end of the couch .

"A kee kee kee , my ass nigga , but forreal what you hidding mane ..."

"Alright , alright , you got it out of me . Ok so-"


My phone started to ring and I picked it up swiftly .

"Hello ?" I answered the phone .

I didn't hear a thing , just deep breathing .

"Nigga , I said hello!!!"

Still nothing my the deep breathing stopped for a second, but then started . The breathing went deeper and longer .

"Don't call me if you ain't gonna say shit .. nigga you think I'm scared or some shit , cause I promise you I'm not " I said chuckling and reloading my pistol close to the phone.

I finally heard a voice in the background !

"Damn rih , shit I'm sorry , you can't take no joke . " said the stranger.

"Who the hell is this ?"  I asked

"Drake , nigga !"

"Listen ya lickle bottiboi, you Gwan get teachin."

(Translation: listen little boy you're going to learn a lesson )

"Yeah yeah ok , whatever in 2 weeks you're going to Toronto with me as a guest star on my tour , we're going to perform the routine we did at the studio , ok ?

"Yes , I know you don't have to remind me every week nigga "

"Shit I just wanted you to remember "

"You going to remember this pistol in ya ear if you don't leave me alone ."

"Hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhaahhahahahahhahahahahhaha aaaahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahshhahahahahahhahahahahahaha"


I hung up the phone and faced Roman who was now asleep and finished the whole damn blunt. I laughed at the fact that she has on my shades too . I can smoke with her . She lit.

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