Surprise Onrobyn

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Robyn Rihanna Fenty p.o.v

after me and Nicki got out the shower i decided to start the surprise .

"Time limit master ?" She asked me

"No time limit ,take you precious time !" I said

"REALLY?!!" She asked shocked

"No tf , we got to be at this surprise in a timely manner , you get an hour to get ready!" I said laughing . She frowned . I picked her up from her waist and pecked her lips.

"Is my lioness upset ? " I asked . She nodded . I looked at her dead in the eye. I sticked out my tongue , licked her cheek , and ran out the room butt naked. Since we were the only ones on that floor, it was safe .

"Imma get you Fenty !!" Nicki said . I ignored the fact that she called my name . I was not about to get my ass beat by them inner hoes again. In 45 minutes , I got dressed and waited for her downstairs. She came downstairs in some sweats and a t-shirt.

"what the hell is this ?" I asked her

"You never told me where we were going , what we were doing , so i came down in some regular clothes ."'

"It took you a FULL HOUR to put this shit on ... Unbelievable!, Man hop in my damn car." I said with an attitude.

"Awe , did I make daddy mad ?" She teased

"Hell yeah you made me mad , what you thought". As I said that She just laughed it off .

I drove to the Chanel plaza and told her to pick out anything she wanted . She sure as hell wasted no time . She was in the Chanel store for an hour. I hate shopping man. That's why I have people do it for me.

"Daddy come here please" she asked . I walked to her . "How does this look " she asked me as she stared in the mirror. I gripped her waist.

"You look amazing as always princess , can we go now ?" I asked whining

" wait , one more thing i saw a really cute purse over there!" She said walking away

"Lioness ! Please 😩" I asked whining once again.

" fine daddy , we can go now !" She said with a smile and her dimples coming out. We went up to the cash register and the cashier started ringing the items up.

"Ok , ms. Fenty , you're total is 34,781.30 ." Said the cashier. I widened away my eyes.

"Lioness!" I yelled . She jumped

"Yes daddy?" She said in her baby voice.

"Girl, you are expensive as fuck man, this is the last time I'm taking you shopping . "

I put in my debit card. And typed in my pin.

"Thank you and come back again" said the cashier .

"Wait , lioness go put this pink dress on and be outside in 10 minutes." She nodded

While lioness was in the bathroom , I called the limo service , which was around the corner from the Chanel store .

10 minutes later lioness finally came out the bathroom.

I looked at her up and down . While licking my lips. She saw me looking so she decided it would be cute to twerk a little .

"Lioness , I can't lie right now , but you making it hard to keep my hands to myself man"I said truthfully . She just laughed again. I don't know why this girl be thinking I'm kidding . I really be ready to rape her ass.

I heard the horn honk outside . That meant the limo was outside.

"Come on lioness take my hand and follow me." I said

I led her outside to the limo. She smiled and gave me a hug and a kiss on the lips.

"This is amazing daddy , what else is there ?"
She asked me

"I'm not saying a thing just know this is a part of it" I said

As she got into the car I took a picture of her. ( in multimedia ) . 2 minutes later I gave the driver the address. Meanwhile in the back of the limo ...

Onika Tanya Maraj p.o.v

I feel a lot of butterflies in my stomach. No body has made me feel like this except Robyn. I truly feel like a princess. This is so sweet . Someone pinch me I must be in a dream.

Just then Robyn popped some champagne in the back of the car. She poured me a glass and we started talking.

"Robyn .. I love you , I know you might not feel the same way about me ,but I just think that you should know ho-- ". My lips connected to hers. Both of our tongues were wrestling for dominance. Robyn won. She always win. She conjugate have her way with me . And it's just easy for her.

"I love you too lioness , and do t think for a minute I think otherwise, no matter the stupid shit , I do or the stupid shit I put you through." She said breaking away from the kiss.

We stopped at a destination . Robyn got out the limo .

" I'm going to set something up for you baby girl , don't move ok?" She said with a huge smile

"Ok take your time daddy"I said with a smirk. I know she likes it when I call her that.

I just sat there ,thinking about Robyn. Speaking of.. I just got a text from her telling me that I can come out the limo now. Just before I came out the limo , I kissed all my Chanel bags.

"Mommy will miss each and everyone of you ok ? , me and daddy just going on a date night , or whatever it is she's doing . I love you all ok!" I said laughing.

Man these Chanel bags are a bad habit . I thought to myself.

Before I got out the limo , I had to make sure I was looking amazing .. And I had to make sure my dress , showed my curves the right way. Just to tease Robyn until we get back to the hotel floor . If you know what I mean 😏. When I got out the limo my eyes widen. My eyes started watering. I can't believe she did this...

Hahahahahaha comment vote . School started and I'm just a busy bee fam 💯💯

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