Fun Onrobyn

422 19 1

Nicki p.o.v

I woke up in Robyns embrace . Last night events was a huge W . Once I pulled myself out of bed , I fell  straight on the floor. My legs were soar and I was naked . Gosh , I hope Robyn doesn't see . Her head gets hella big when she sees the "fantastic" work she does in bed.I limbed straight into the bathroom until I heard a chuckle .

"Damn I ain't no I put it down like that !" She exclaimed.

"Fuck YOU robyn " I said still limping .

"Last time I checked , I was the one fucking you.."

"Shut your smart ass up!" I spat .

She ran towards me and I started limping faster. She tackled me to the ground . We bursted out laughing .

"Get your big forehead ass off me !"

"AWW! FUCK nah I'm bouta roast the shit OUTTA you !" She yelled in my ear.

" bitch you can roast raw chicken with that hot ass breath." I laughed.

"  I'll spare your little ass for now , but I'm coming back for that ass ," rih said.

"Yeah , yeah , go brush your teeth , stank breath ,"

"Maybe my breath stank , because I devour that nasty ass pus- "

"Don't fucking try me , cause you was slurping on my shit nigga." I said .

"I'm not bouta flex , that shit was sweet asf last night " she giggled .

" HAHAHAHAHA ... it's not funny " . I slammed the door and brushed my teeth . Robyn opened the door and snatched a toothbrush out of the tooth brushed holder.

There was a sudden grip on my naked ass .

"So.. .." She said getting closer to my hot spot.

"Eww , get ya gay ass on somewhere , I'm brushing my teeth ." I said jokingly

"Nah , nigga , but you like this gay shit , gimme kiss , with ya gay ass "

I licked her face with tooth paste still on my tongue. I ran out the bathroom and closed the door . I ran all the way downstairs ,still limping ,and hid behind the couch.

Not too long before I heard Robyn come after me .

"Nika , imma beat your ass bruh ! Wait till I find your ass!" She yelled walking towards the kitchen .

Once the area was clear , I let out a silent giggle.


Robyn slipped on some whipped cream from last night. I couldn't help but to laugh.

"Bitch , I heard that fuckin cackle , I know exactly where your ass at !"

I let out a small gasp , and tried to squeeze my way from behind the couch. I felt my self lifted up from mid air.

"Found your tiny ass. "

"Ahh!! Robyn let me go !!" I yelled smacking her flat ass which was now dangling in my face .

"Aye! Watch it back there , you can look , but can't touch !"

She carried me upstairs in her bedroom. And body slammed me into the bed .

"Ow! I just got out of the hospital two days ago ! You tryna put me back in?"

"Hell yeah , you just put ya nasty tooth paste and spit on my face and thought I wouldn't catch your ass !"

"Oops.." I said

"Bihh, come here and give me a REAL kiss!" She said.

I leaned towards her and gave her a peck on the cheek .

"This why I can't fuck with you Nika, you play too damn much man." Robyn said getting pissed. I just laughed .

"Put some clothes on ya dutty gal"I said bringing out my Caribbean side.

"When you give me a real kiss ,I'll put some clothes on . " she said . She really thinks she's slick .

" ok , that don't phase me , I can watch you strut around naked all day, doesn't bother me one bit ." I said , then I walked to the shower .

I couldn't wait to take a shower . My body was intensely sticky . It was bothering me . I felt sweaty and gross . Even though horny bitches like Robyn would enjoy that.

"Robyn ! Get your ass in this shower !!" I yelled . Shortly Robyn came in after me .

She started kissing my neck and biting my ear. " take a shower you nasty thot." I said

"You called me here , just to shower ?" She asked me.

As opposed to what?" I said confused .

"You know I'm my nastiest in the shower babe, you playing games bruh." She said.

I laughed. " babe , you big mad or little mad ." I teased .

She walked out of the shower pissed and got on the bed to watch some tv. I swear this hoe is so dirty . Once I finished my soothing shower, i hopped out with a robe on. I sat next to Robyn on the bed.

"Babe , I'm want some breakfast, I'm hungry . " I said
She looked at me oddly. "Go make it yourself , I'm not a maid."

"I don't know how to cook." I said

She looked at me and gasped . " how the hell-" She said

She grabbed my hand and dragged me downstairs . She put me in front of the stove and put some eggs on the counter .

"I'm going to show you how to make eggs , ok?" She said

"Ok " I said.

"First you crack your egg into the bowl , and then throw away the shell, after that just stir. Don't forget to add milk, salt , and pepper." She said.

I carefully followed all her directions . "What's next chef Fenty , " I asked her.

"Next you grab some butter , spread it on the skillet then pour all of that onto the pan ." She said.

i did as I was told and something hot splashed on my skin , and on my toe. "Ow, ow , owwww!" I screeched. Robyn took my arm and kissed it.

"You'll be ok, it's apart of cooking " she said reassuring me. She grabbed my right hand and started guiding me into , what I'm suppose to do .

"When the egg starts to bubble , a little , that's when you can scramble it around the skillet with this spatula " she said .

The eggs started to bubble up so I scrambled it.

"Aye! I feel like spongebob, I'm cooking !!" I screamed .

Robyn looked at me and laughed .

"Pay attention to the food before you burn it!" She said.

Both sides were done and I put in two plates for both of us.

This girl can't even cook smh...


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Gotta go byeeeeee

*runs to evil lair*

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