Sketchy onrobyn

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Later that same day... again😂 in the night tho☺️

Nicki p.o.v.
My phone just vibrated indicating I had a text. I got up from Robyns embrace and grabbed it from the night stand . it was an unknown number.

"Who's that ?" Robyn asked getting up from the bed.

"I don't know , probably a stalker fan or something "I simply replied.

"Let me see the phone " she said taking it from my hand. She dialed the number and her cheeks were red and her face grew stale . I snatched the pine from her and spoke.


"Hi Nicki its Shakira ..."

"What the hell, what do you want HOMEWRECKER?! "

"I just want to talk, I'm not trying to start any beef or anything . " Can you just meet me at the sevyn galleria in 30 minutes . I have useful information, oh and don't tell rih.

In an instant she hung up .

"What did she want princess?"

"I don't know , Robyn I'll be back , I have to um- go get some strawberries and whipped cream."

"Ohhhh, we having one of them nights again , Nika?" She asked with a smirk.

"As if , I don't want your crusty fingers in me , with that hot ass breathe . Fuckin horn ball " I clapped back.

" you sure as hell wasnt saying that last night . I believed you called me 'daddy Fenty '?"

"Whatever ! I'll be back conscious! Love you" I said

" love you too be safe ok.."

I walked downstairs and grabbed some random clothes for me to put on. I put them on I found Robyns key on the rack.

I drove to the given location to see a dusty blonde in all black. I knew it was Shakira. Who else has them raisin titties. Before I went inside I grabbed a gun from the secret compartment.

She looked up at me and smiled . I held a disgusted look upon my face .

"Good seeing you here Nicki " she said

I rolled my eyes at that clear sarcastic remark.

"Bitch, what is it that you want ? " I asked annoyed .

"I need to tell you that rih , is crazy "

"Is that it , because if you just bought me here , just to drive me away , you got another thing coming . "

"No , really , she's crazy "

"Tell me something I don't know!"

"She's been on some other weird type of shit lately , I'm being serious . She has been a little sketchy . Yes she's a pop star , but something's up. I found pictures of her with her glasses , wearing all black , giving some man , a secret file" she said being serious.

"Ok; this does seem a little sketchy , but still doesn't seem  suspicious. This doesn't prove a thing !" I said slapping the table .

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