Scavenger hunt pt. 2

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Nicki p.o.v
I admit , this is kind of sweet, but this doesn't mean a thing . It just shows she has money and can spoil me . This isn't showing me how sorry she is. I'm not going to let an opportunity like this pass me by though. If she wants to spend money and me then let her. Call me a gold digger I don't care ... Ok so the first thing she told me to do was to put on a bathing suit. I took the bathing suit out. My mouth dropped open , it was extremely pretty!! It was pink and it was a beautiful long strap , it was also pink and hung out the right way!! My baby knows me so well..did I just call her my baby?? Nah..

"Damn Nicki hurry up Rihanna is on a tight schedule with you" said beyonce

I laughed "I'm coming !" As I walked out she stared at my bathing suit . As she was looking I was modeling the bathing suit. She giggled .

"So when I asked Rih for $30 it's a problem but, meanwhile you have a $100,000 swimsuit , it's ok!" She exclaimed

My eyes widened! " $100,000 , are you serious wow , I'm wearing a car and a house !!" I yelled

"Ok , you can stop bragging now !!" Said beyonce walking in the bathroom behind me .

My phone started to vibrate . I looked on the caller i. D it said Robyn with heart eyes .

Phone convo..

Robyn😍: hey lioness , I hope you had a wonderful morning so far , you don't have to talk to me just hear me out-

With those last words I hung up the phone . I was not in the mood to hear her voice right now. I just needed some time to think and relax. I was cut out of my train of thought when beyonce came out of the bathroom . She had the a white bathing suit that said 'flawless ' in pink writing.

"Nice , it's cute !"'I said
"Thank you!"

"So what do we do now ?" I asked

"I mean ... There is a beach.. And a pool... Outside , I don't know maybe we should go camping in our bathing suits" she said sarcastically .

"Ok , I can do without the sarcasm bitch!"I said . Just then her phone rang .

"Hello, ?" She said , I'm guessing it was Robyn ..
2 minutes later beyonce looked at me .

"What?" I asked

" ok so here's the clue ... You're looking at beyonce like you're really bored, but since you're in your swimsuit, just like drunk in love we're going to be riding on a ..."

"Surfboard !!"I said excitedly

"Yeah , so I think he's the dude waving at us outside " beyonce said peeking through the window .

"Really!" I said getting excited .

Me and beyonce walked downstairs . As we we're walking we seen 2 surfboards with our names on it. We grabbed them and went down to the shore . There was a guy with the most tropical eyes , I've ever seen, still not better than robyns in my eyes ... Did I really say that!! No nicki , you're suppose to be mad at her, not falling for her again , ugh!

That's him right here...

That's him right here

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Beyonce p.o.v

Finally I have a point of view ! As me and Nicki were walking down the beach we seen this sexy man with magnificent eyes and fabulous body dripping in water , it was a marvelous 6 pack. Oh he has my mouth dripping like cold lemonade . His teeth were perfect , he had the best smile as I approached him .

"Hey , my name is Micheal and I will be teaching you beautiful ladies how to surf. " he said. His voice was so deep.

"Hi my name is -"

"I already know , nice to meet you beyonce , my daughter is a huge fan" he said as he kissed my hand . I added a nervous giggle and Nicki busted out laughing.

" well , I'm -" Nicki said just before she got cut off.

"I already know, you're the beautiful lady Robyn did all this adventuring for ,! " he said

Nicki pouted "why don't I get a kiss , mr fabulous ?" She whined . He backed away .

"Ms. Fenty said if I touched you in any way besides helping you surf , I won't feel anything again " he said

"Please she ain't gon' do shit " Nicki murmured

10 minutes after talking we finally got into the ocean . Micheal was on my surfboard helpin me with my technique. Nicki was just mimicking , what he did .

" ok so what you're going to do is stroke you arm briskly through the wind like this" he said while moving his hands through the tiny waves.

"Like this ?" I said . I was doing the absolute opposite of what he was doing . He laughed and grabbed my hand. He was now behind me .

"Like this..." He said while whispering in my ear . That sent all types of chills in my back . I didn't want it to make it obvious .He voice trailed off as my eyes met with his . We gazed in to each other's eyes for a moment . His crystal like eyes only seen my reflection . I watched as his pupils gotten bigger. Our lips inched closer and closer together... Until...

"BITCH I SEE YOU TWO!!" Nicki shouted from the other side of the shore. She cackled . Me and Micheal busted out laughing .

"Well, I better see what she's up to , I'll be back real soon!" He said as he started swimming off . Imma beat her ass ! Was all I thought before swimming off to shore .

Nicki p.o.v

As I seen Micheal get off of bey's surfboard and swim over to me , I knew she was gonna beat my ass after this swimming lesson. He came over to me and told me exactly what to do.

"Ok so swim towards the tides like this" he said while swimming using both his legs and arms . I just copied what he did and before I knew it I was a few feet ahead of him.

" next you wait for the tide to build up a couple feet behind you , then start paddling , after you're done paddling slowly stand up and the waves will come . Balance and put your right foot forward !!" He shouted

I did exactly what he told me . Before I knew it I was riding a wave !! I seen beyonce with the camera we found in the Chanel bag taking pictures . I started smiling and saying hang ten. Moments later I fell off my board .

Beyonce p.o.v

I was watching Nicki surf and have fun . Later a huge wave came out of no where and splashed her over. At that moment everything went in slow motion. I ran into the water . I started to swim and look for Nicki in the water .

"Nicki , Nicki. NICKI , WHERE ARE YOU?!! Me and Micheal shouted .

I felt something grab my leg. I screeched and grabbed it. It was a hand . I yanked it above the water and I seen it was Nicki.

"WHO HOOOO! THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!!" She shouted in my ear . Me and Micheal looked at each other and laughed .

"Well , that's the end of your surfing lesson " he said with his 5 star smile.

Me and Nicki Walks back to shore . Nicki grabbed her towel and started to walk towards the beach house . I felt a hand grabbed me . It was Micheal .

"So um.. Hey I was wondering if I- um - can I get you number " he asked acting all shy .

"Sure". I took out my phone and let him copy it into his phone .

"Call you later " he said as he was making his way back to his car. I smiled and waved while taking the surfboard inside the house .


I know I know I know long chapter , don't forget to comment and vote but .. Looks like a new relationship is in the air 😍 does Nicki really love Robyn ??? We'll find out soon stay tuned

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