Secrets OnRobyn

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"Lioness , I have to tell you something."

Nicki p.o.v

I looked at Robyn in her glistening emerald eyes. She took a deep breath before saying anything.

"Nika I-" Robyn trailed off by a random knock on the door. She put her arm in front of me before she opened the door revealing Beyoncé.

"Hey guys , what's go-- , GO PUT ON SOME DAMN CLOTHES ,YA LITTLE NASTIES!!" Bey yelled entering through the front frame .

"Oh ah! I forgot I'm naked , I'll be right back " I sped off with embarrassment leaving Robyn and Beyoncé.

Robyn Rihanna p.o.v

Beyoncé and I were both sitting downstairs in the red sofa , having small talk .

"So how is she ? What can she remember?" Bey asked

"Umm she can remember everything up until the tour ."

"Damn ... she doesn't remember jasmine or Cory , that's awful ."

"Yeah , yeah whatever ..."

"Rihanna , what's wrong , why you acting so distant ? Did you tell Nicki about the thing?!" She asked putting more emphasis on the word 'thing '.

"No , but get this , your friend Shakira knows , and she told Nicki about some random files ..."

"Oh my goodness , really can't trust these hoes ... but what did Nicki think ?"

"Well I think Nicki -"

Nicki came downstairs walking in a nude color sports bra and gold harem pants with her hair out of the bun.

"Think I what ?" Nickj said interrupting the conversation .

"Think you should go on a date with Robyn tonight . As a matter of fact let's have a double date , me you Robyn and Micheal . It will be great!" Bey mentioned winking at me Intending for me to go along with God knows what type of plan .

"Oh , yeah babe , let's go eat lunch at umm , that place Bey was talking about , what was the name of the place Beyoncé ?" I asked indicating it was her turn to stretch the truth .

"Oh uh , it's a seafood place , it's somewhere in a deserted area but it's local and nice . I'll ask my limo driver to come pick yall up ." Bet nervously smiled .

"Nicki can you go upstairs and look for my puma flip flops in the bedroom please , princess ?" I asked her . She nodded and went upstairs .

"Beyoncé what are you doing ??" I said slightly above a whisper .

"Maybe this date will take her mind off the situation and she'll forget ,believe me it will work ." She whispered back

"And if it doesn't that's you're ass ! " I said . Nicki trailed back downstairs with the flip flops in her hand .

"Daddy can I have these flip flops too? " she asked me .

"Yes , lioness you can have anything you want . "She smiled and sat back down .

"Soooo... how are you bey ?" Nicki asked awkwardly.

"I should be asking you the same thing ! Haa ! Do you a lump on your head? How did you recover so well? Why don't you guys like wearing clothes? Oop gotta go bye!" Bey said racing towards the door .

"That was odd , I wonder what was all of that about ? but I'm going to sleep its around 6:00 and I need my beauty rest " Nicki said

"Gyal a wut uno known bout beauti?" I asked in my accent .

"Mi no plentya tings ah you neva know " she spat back in her dialect . My mouth dropped and I ran after her . She was just sitting on the bed waiting for me to catch her with a blank stare on her face.

"What's wrong princess?" I asked her .

"Nothing in just really drowsy , I would like to doze off right about now." She said .

"Oh my fault , go to bed , sweet dreams , I'll be downstairs if you need me ok ?"

She nodded her head and laid under the blanket . I tucked her in and she closed her eyes .


My phone vibrated in my pocket . I walked downstairs and read the text message .

"The deed is done " my hitmans message said .

I smiled to myself knowing that there was nothing else to worry about ... except that BITCH Shakira . I rolled up a blunt from my ear and started to light it up . Visions of zebras beanstalk flashed through my eyes before I went to sleep.

A little chapter for you guysssss .

*runs to evil liar " 🏃🏿‍♀️🏃🏿‍♀️🏃🏿‍♀️

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