Speechless OnRobyn

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Onika Tanya Maraj P.o.v

Bing! I woke up to see I had a text message from Bey. I haven't heard from her since that dumb ass scavenger hunt .

Beyasf: Nicki ?

Nicki : yes ?

Beyasf: ok good you're awake , can you meet me at my studio , me and my record label have big plans for us.

Nicki: sure , what time ?

Beyasf: how does 2:00 sound ?

Nicki : it's good , I'll see you soon girl .

Beyasf: ok , see you later ...BYE!!!

I turned off my phone and went downstairs . Man , oh man I was hungry . I went downstairs and asked my personal chef to cook me something . His name was Carlos . He was from the islands just like me . He was from Jamaica . Which means I still get to eat island cuisine .

"Carlos , can I have some plantains , and  ackee and salt fish with banana and dumplings, thank you !!" I squealed

"No problem ms Maraj !"
Carlos started getting to cooking .

"So ms. Minaj , if you don't mind me asking , what happened to you and ms fenty ?"

"Oh nothing , I just thought she had feelings for someone else dear" I said with my British accent .

"Here you go with that British accent , there's something you're not telling me . What is it ??"

"I'd rather not talk about it , dear , it gives me a major headache just thinking about it " I said again with my British accent .

He nodded and kept cooking . "So what about you . What happened to you and Ciara ?"

"You know these Americans don't care about anyone but themselves " I laughed .

"Don't do Ciara like that , and besides not all Americans are like that , you have to give them a chance , it took me a long time to understand and realize that "

"Hmm maybe you're right Nicki , I suppose I could give her another chance ."

"What happened anyway ? What did she do ?"

"Well , she was sleeping over at my house , and one of the island girls I used to mess with texted me . Being thirsty and all. Ciara got mad and went off . Long story short we went to her house and Ciara beat the shit out of her and wouldn't let me explain what happened . The island girl ran upstairs crying and I talked to her hoping we would still be friends . We became friends and Ciara was downstairs throwing a tantrum .she was mad that we were still friends . She was hitting me and all. But I remained calm and tried to talk things out . She wouldn't let that happen . And boom she left ." He said

"Wow I don't understand how you have the patience , I would have slapped the shit out of her" I said

"Remind you if anyone "chef said with a smirk

No realizing that , Ciara represented me and Rih represented chef , I made a huge mistake .

"Chef you slide devil , how did you know what happened yesterday with me and Rih ?!" I said surprised .

"I can read you like an open book Ms. minaj , in my opinion you were being selfish , only thinking about yourself , It's not Rih , it's you this time ,"

" I didn't call you  here for a lecture , I called you here for food ." I joked

"I'm being serious . " chef said with a serious face . I nodded

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