Confrontation Onrobyn

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Robyn p.o.v

I stayed up by Nicki's side making sure she didn't have anymore bad dreams . The first time killing someone is never a joke . My poor baby girl couldn't even handle it .


I received a text message .

" you have 1 month to give me back my empire back and my money , bitch better have my money! Or else I'll kill you and ya girl" said an unknown number.

"No nigga, no hoe , or even a hoe nigga put fear in my heart .. you ain't shit either I know exactly who it is !"

"Aww- so yo stupid ass finally had common sense .. I want all my shit be next month or else it's bye bye Fenty "

"You're such an asshole , and your not near gonna touch my girl , you lost ya shit fair and square dumb fuck , hell is you going back on ya word for , dumb fuck!"

"Don't say I ain't warn ya dumb ass ! Run me my shit in a Month Fenty time is ticking !"

The text convo ended

I don't know why people wanna act like I'm just a pussy , not even close to one .just then I felt Nicki nudge her face deep in the creases of my neck. I looked at the time and it was 8:55 am . She's gonna wake up in a minute and I know her fat ass is going to want to eat something . I'll just go downstairs and make breakfast.

I climbed out of bed and felt a hand grab my wrist .i turned around and it was Nicki looking at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Where you going?" She asked in a soft yet raspy voice.

"Making your fat ass breakfast" I said

"Don't be silly, I can do it" she said

"Babe , you know I love you , but we can't have eggs every day "

"Well don't cook breakfast yet, come watch tv with me " she said while patting a vacant side of the bed. She flicked the tv on and there was a picture of the two of us on the screen.

"Quick turn it up" I demanded

She did as she was told like a good kitty.

" a recent insider says that the popstar rihanna and female rapper , young money cash money member Nicki Minaj are dating , are these new members of the LGBT 🏳️‍🌈 community. Find out on E! News" said the young reporter.

Nicki turned off the tv and just stared into space.

" you alright lioness?" I asked her


I was very happy to hear her say that . I'm happy she's actually taking pride in this . But who leaked the information . Probably drake , that fucking bastard! Probably the one that set us up too. Smh asshole.

"Well I'm going to make breakfast now" I said

"Wait daddy commmmeee baaacckkk, I wanna spend some time together!" Nicki called out.

"Nicki don't call me daddy if you not about to be ready for this level of freakiness." I said crawling right back next to her.

I crawled by her feet and sucked on her big toe. I know she likes this shit.

"Mmmm suck on my toes yes! " she murmured.

" I'm gonna go make breakfast and we'll finish this later" I said.

"NOOOO let's finish this noowwwwwww" she whined .

"Ok, ok , hold on." I said waking towards the bathroom.

Nicki p.o.v

What the hell is this girl doing in the bathroom. A few seconds pass by and she finally came out the bathroom.

"What was you doing daddy"I asked

"Get in doggy style" she said


"Assume the position" she said sternly.

I went in doggy style and arched my back . Robyn came behind me and whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine .

"Loose the thong princess" she said

"No daddy you doing too much right n-OWWW"

Something slid deep in my pussy and I know it wasn't her finger, it was too long .i turned around and it was a big black dildo .

Robyn p.o.v

I secured the strap on and stroked it back in. She screamed again . I didn't like this position . I wanted to see that pretty pink pussy. I flipped out position so she was facing me but I was still on top. I seen Nicki's eyes were closed. I bent down by her neck and kissed the creased of her neck . She moaned a bit . I started to bite her neck and lick it, after wards I left a trail of kisses down her stomach stopping at her belly button . She arched her back a little . I pulled out .

She opened her eyes and looked up .

"Like I said I'm going to make breakfast now , go wash up let's go somewhere today " I said before going downstairs .


I couldn't help but to laugh my ass off .

"AKEKEKE MY ASS , you fucking play too much !" Nicki said while pulling the covers over her body .

She'll get over it once her fat ass sees food . I went downstairs and started to cook.

"I said get ready lioness , come'on " I yelled while clapping .

Nicki p.o.v

I heard Robyn BITCH ass telling me to get ready for whatever she's taking me . I took off my clothes and got into the shower . By the time I got out I smelled the food . Since Robyn thought it was ok to play with me , imma play with her .

I walked downstairs with nothing on , grabbed my plate of food , and kissed Robyn so intensely she was practically begging for more. I pushed her against the table and crashed our lips together. I was sucking on her tongue and biting her lips while fiddling with her entrance in one hand and grabbing her ass with the other.  She just stared at me and licked her lips .

"You want it daddy Fenty? "

She nodded her head.

"Then come get it " I said while winking I grabbed my food and went up to the bedroom .

Robyn followed after me then.. boom I shut the door in her face and locked it.

"Oh real mature Onika!" She said .

I sat there and laughed at her. I knew I was gonna get in trouble once I opened the door because she called me by my actual name . The door started to jitter .

"Shit!" I said

I forgot that hoe knows how to unlock doors . ....


To be continued ...
Thank you all for leaving comments .. I know y'all haven't heard from me in a while but .. school got harder ... and I hate trigonometry .. soooo yeah

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