Beach date OnRobyn

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Robyn Rihanna Fenty p.o.v

I watched as lioness eyes lit up. I can tell she was happy. A huge smile appeared on my face. She followed the long path of roses and candles down my pathway. I watched as her hips swayed left and right while she was walking.

"This is so beautiful Master , Thank you so much!" She said with her dimples piercing through her cheek.  I pulled out a chair for her to sit in. I watched as her butt slid firmly on the chair. "Keep your hands to yourself Robyn" I kept thinking to myself.

As I sat down , I caught Nicki eyeing me .

"Like what you see ?" I asked with a smirk

She licked her lips. " yeah daddy , I like it a lot ."

"Nah lioness keep your nasty hands to yourself"

Just as I said that the waiter came by us and served us our champagne and appetizers . We were having lasagna as our appetizer. I wanted to start of with something light.

"Ohh, daddy this tastes so good!" Lioness said as she was digging in.

"It's alright , mines is better though" I said with so much confidence . Her eyes widen.

"You can COOK?" She asked

"Yes , I cook , better than Bobby flay , better than Rachael Ray ,"

" Then , why don't you cook for me then daddy ?"

"Nah, you are a huge time consumer , 1st you take way too long , then you're a shopaholic. Nope , it's too much to please you , " I said laughing . She laughed with me.

"But it's all worth it in the end , though ! So I don't wanna hear it " she joked

Moments later when we are done with our food  the waiter comes back with dinner . For dinner we had lobster , crab legs , and shrimp cocktails with red wine.

"Daddy I know you love me !!!! Spending all this money on me !!! I wove you too!" Nicki teased . I just laughed

"Who said , I haven't done this with any one else , who said this wasn't free?" I started smiling . Nicki stared me down .

"You better have not done this for a basic hoe , you playing games daddy , but I know you love me wayyy more than the others. You don't have to hide it daddy!" Nicki said

Call me daddy again , and we might just skip desert !" I spat

" well, I am kinda hungry , but I'm craving some master desert , if you know what I mean DADDY !" She yelled

Right then and right there , I wanted to push all the food onto the sand and pull her waist onto my face. It was right there where I wanted to rip her dress off. IT WAS RIGHT FUCKING THERE IN FRONT OF ME!! I respect her too much to do it ... In public .

"Oh Nicki Nicki , just you wait " I mumbled

When Nicki was eating she noticed something .

"What is it lioness ?" I asked

"The view it's so beautiful , it's really breath taking . " she said . Just when she finished her last bite of food , she took off her shoes and walked towards the shore. I walked behind her following her. As she was looking out, I held her waist.

She cracked a smile and pecked me on my lips. The wind was just blowing against her dark locs. I examined her and she looked really focused.

I looked at her.

"What are you thinking about lioness ? "

"Nothing much, just ... Life really."

"What about life , life is great for us isn't it ?" I questioned

"It is ,  life is amazing for us right now ; but what about other people out there in the world ,you know people who actually have struggles.?"

"Wow , I actually never really thought about them ."

That's the thing I like about Nicki, she has a different point of view , she has a different way of seeing things . She's not selfish. She 's very strong and independent. Many people would be threatened by that ... But not me .

In fact , I loved it. It shows her intellectual side . I love it .

Just as We were about to kiss , we got called to our table.

"Dessert here !"  Said the waiter. We both walked hand in hand back to the table , watching the waves almost crash into our feet .

For dessert I have a chocolate mouse ala mode . My lioness had pineapple sundae.

"Master?" She asked with a puzzled look .

"Why did you get me pineapple sundae for?" She asked me . I looked up for a moment and smirked . She noticed my emerald eyes and got caught in its trance.

"You know why " I smirked and winked at her . I seen her blush from the corner of my eye.

She licked her lips and started to only eat the pineapples.

"That's my girl !" I said cheering her on

"Well daddy , this date was amazing , thank you so much ... But-" she said as I cut her off

"But ?" I asked confused

"But , I want some more dessert , I want the master , daddy dessert." She said licking her lips.

"Patience lioness , your time will come." I said . She just nodded .

I called someone over to me , to go get Nickis Chanel bags . As the people were bringing the Chanel bags Nicki looked confused. I just laughed. I love that she has no idea what's going on.

"Nika , I have one more surprise for you baby girl , would you please follow , this beautiful path of black roses ." I said with a smirk

"Daddy what are you up to now?"she asked

"Nothing much , it's just one more surprise , I
Think you might like it , wait no scratch that, I Know you will LOVE it . Just follow Nika" I said.

She grabbed her heels , and just walked in the sand . As she was walking the sand started going in between her toes. 2 minutes into the walk and Onika got tired .

I started to carry Nicki bridal style. We finally got to the destination 2 minutes later . Nicki jumped up and down. I heard her screaming right behind me . She tackled me on the sand and hugged me .

"Babe , I love it so MUCH!!! , ...

Cliffhanger .. What was Robyns surprise ??

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