Performance Onrobyn

628 23 15

Robyn p.o.v

"Nika let's go im ready , and it's almost 2:00 let's go!!" I screamed from downstairs . I have to be at the rehearsal at exactly 2:30 , to get my warm ups in .

"Coming !" Nika screamed she came downs stairs  wearing my shades and black jegging with a moscino top.

"Coming !" Nika screamed she came downs stairs  wearing my shades and black jegging with a moscino top

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"Where the fuck you going with my shades ?"
I questioned.

"It looks cute on me , can I wear it PPPLLEEAAASSSEEE!!"

I looked at the time and my phone then looked back at her .

"Fine ! But it's only because we're running late right now "

"Thank you !!" She pecked me on the cheek .

We walked outside to the jeep. Bing!
My phone vibrated in my pocket . Nicki looked at it and tried to pick it up , but I was too fast for her .

"Who's that one of your side hoes Robyn ?"

"What Nicki ? Don't be ridiculous , it's drake see !" I said shoving the phone in her face . She smiled . I opened the text message :

Drake: Rih , are you on your way anytime soon ?"

Rih: Damn nigga hop off my dick , I'll be there in a few

Drake : hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahaahhahahahahahahahahah and watch who you're talking to ..

Rih : nigga , watch who you talking to , and I promise that shit was not that fucking funny .

I clicked my phone off and started to pull of . 10 minutes into the drive Nika started bothering me.

"Robyn I'm hungry , can we eat some McDonald's "

" your fat ass had a whole breakfast buffet ,now you're hungry ?"
Nika just nodded .

"We'Ll get food when we get to the place alright !"

About 15 minutes we finally got to the place . We Parked right next to drakes aventador and got out .

"Oh Robyn ! Look at his car ! I always wanted a pink  aventador! "

"Yes Nika its very nice , we have to be inside now so I can put on my performing outfit . " I grabbed her hand and dragged her inside to my dressing room .  Bing !

I looked at my phone and it was drake again .

Drake : you better be here it's 2:30 !

Rih: duh , I'm here in getting dressed now

Drake : ok cool!

End of text convo

Nicki p.o.v

I watched as Robyn was getting dressed in her jumper . That glistening body standing in front of me in the shower is still there . That image can't escape from my mind . I was staring so much I didn't notice I was biting my lips .

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