Scavenger hunt pt 3

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Nicki p.o.v

After me and bey finally got to the beach house . I automatically went to the shower. When i gotten into the bathroom and took my bathing suit off it was filled with sand. I grabbed a wash cloth and a towel. There was some scented body wash instead of bar soap in the restroom so I just used that. Once I picked up the scented body wash it had a note on it .

" hey lioness , it's Robyn . Use this after you're surfing lesson . Also after the surfing lesson , put on the robe .Nothing else but the robe . No under wear no bra , NOTHING! Have a wonderful day baby girl". I smiled at the note for a while . This was a really nice gesture. Once I was done admiring the note I threw it away and started showering.

Once I got out the shower , with my towel wrapped on me, bey bum rushed me to the bathroom .

"Damn!! You didn't have to bum rush me !" I yelled .

She just ignored me and turned the shower on . I went back through the Chanel bag and found the robe. It was a beautiful nude color robe , it was very silky and comfortable against my skin. I put it on and started posing in it. My skin started to get dry so , I used some baby lotion. .

I picked up the camera and started to take pictures with it , in my new robe . I still didn't know why I was in a robe . I tried to guess but nothing came to mind . I started to scroll through Twitter and I keep seeing my name pop up. I clicked the notification box .

It was the video of me and Robyn having a twerking contest . Obviously I won. Looks like she's going to have to give a lap dance... If I was still with her. I just looked back on those memories in the specific hotel room. A lot of crazy shit went on in there. Even if we were only there together for 2 days.

Should I forgive her? She's been through all this trouble , for me . I know I drive her crazy sometimes , but look at all of this ... She had to at least spend two million dollars on me. I'm just one person. I'm not like everyone else to her. I think I'm special .

Beyonce said it herself Robyn barely gave her $30, but Robyn didn't hesitate to spend $100,000 on me. As I kept thinking about her my heart started to beat faster and faster. I.. I think I love her.

"No tf you don't , she tried to play with your feelings, she's always abusing you, she always saying some disrespectful shit to you, she treats you like a damn dog!" I heard a voice in my head say . Sounds like Roman

"Roman is that you?"I asked

"Yes , and listen to me Nicki , I know what's best for you "Roman echoed through my brain

"Shush Roman, let Nicki think for herself , it's her feelings " said Martha and Barbie

"Technically , we're all Nicki so... " Roman said

"Enough !!!" I said

I just laid on the bed feeling defeated. Soon enough beyonce came out with a robe similar to mine except it was black.

" so bey what are we doing now " I asked

"Ok here's the next clue ... From hanging ten , I know your back is kinda raw , so enjoy this cute and cozy fun , little spa.." She said

"That's not a clue , she just told me where to go .. I was suppose to guess ."I said

"Don't look at me , Rih is the one that wrote this not me."

2 minutes later there was a knock at the door and it was the limo driver . He told me and bey to go to the car , so we can go to some type of spa. Bey and I walked outside and sat in the car. A couple of minutes passed by and we finally reached there . The spa was so big and so luxurious .

Just as me and bey were admiring the view a massage therapist came towards us

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Just as me and bey were admiring the view a massage therapist came towards us. She was very beautiful . She had dark chocolate skin and beautiful lips .

"Hello ms. Minaj and ms. Knowles , welcome to the Fenty spa . "

"Fenty spa?? She owns a spa too, aren't you a lucky girl Nic?"

" I'm just as shocked as you , I didn't know !"

Seconds passed by  me and bey went to the massaging section . We took off our ropes and just laid there on our stomach.

Two women came in and started massaging us . There hands were like heaven. They started elbow massaging our backs , then they moved up to our shoulders . After the massages me and bey took mud baths . We had cucumbers on our eyes and a mask on our face. We started to feel warm rocks enter the mud . It felt amazing !!

"Ohhh this feels amazing " I said

" I know , Nic if I were you , I'd get mad at Rih  every weekend! I can't even remember  the last time I've relaxed like this.  This right here is everything "

" bey , I need to talk to you .."

" what happened Nic, ?"

"Nothing , do you think I was being too hard on Robyn ?"

"I mean , well, everyone is different and they carry out affection differently , but in my personal opinion I would say yes you were , I know she scared you and I would have been pretty pissed , but you didn't have to beat the living hell out of her."

"Beat her ? I didn't beat her "

" well Rih said you did , I don't think she would make something like that up..."

As soon as beyonce said that I realized my alter egos were getting out of hand.

"Well , I probably did , I was just heart broken , you're right bey, maybe I was being a little hard , I'm sorry"

"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to , you ready to go ?"

"Yeah "

Me and bey left feeling  cleansed and clean . It was now 6:00 p.m it was an amazing day but now I'm starting to get hungry I guess a little stop to Wendy's wouldn't hurt .

After we stopped at Wendy's , we went back to the beach house .


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Kinda lame but


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