Concert OnRobyn

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Onika Tanya Maraj p.o.v

Right now me and Bey are on the plane headed to Miami. I can't wait for my date with Meek . ITS GOING TO BE SO MUCH FUN ! Ahh meek his name rolls of my tongue like honey . In my list of thoughts we finally reached Miami . Since we were late we had no time to sign in at the hotel . Instead of Beyoncé signing in Micheal did it .

As me and Bey made our way into the Arena , we rehearsed our same routine we did in Georgia . Once we decided we got our routine down pack we went into our dressing rooms .
Our dressing rooms were pretty plain . I didn't pay it no attention . we were just performing for tonight only .  I tried to slip on my pink leather onesie . It was so tight , but I managed to squeeze into it.

Bing !

I got a text message .

???: can't wait for tonight ..

I questioned myself . Who could this be ? Is someone trying to scare me or something . I replied back to the text .

Nicki: who the hell are you??

Bing !

???: oh , my bad it's Meek

My anxiety turned into a quick sense of relief.

Nicki : so you stalking me now , lol , but fr nigga you scared the shit out of me .

Meek: lol so wat r u up to ?

Nick: nothing much , I just got into my outfit for tonight . You ?

Meek : flying out to see you , duh ! lol can i see the outfit ?

This nigga thinks he slick.

Nicki :  you'll see when you pull through tonight 😉

That's right Nika, keep me waiting .

With that , I turned my phone off and started warming up for our performance.

Robyn Rihanna Fenty p.o.v

"Come in Shakira let's go to the show , I'm already ready. " I shouted from the bed .

"It's not my fault , you fingered the shit out of me , I can't walked now !" Shakira said

I laughed . I'm none to have that affect on people. She started waddling around the room looking for her heels .

"Babe , you seen my heels ?" She asked me

"Nah , check in the bathroom "

"Found em !" She screamed .

"All right let's go then!"

She followed me out of the room and into the lobby . This show better be worth while and worth the wait . I got into my matte black mustang and zoomed to the given location . It was packed . I had 3 of my security guards block everyone as we made our way into the show . Apparently it's a mystery on whose show it is .

Onika Tanya Maraj p.o.v

"Nicki , you're up right now ! " said the stage manager . I hurried to the bottom of the stage , so I can rise to the main stage . I heard how wild the crowd was and instantly I had energy within me . The stage began to rise , and I seen lights and fog around my surroundings .

The beat to feeling myself started and I began the routine .

I'm with some hood girls looking back at it , and a good girl in my tax bracket , have a black car and let saks have it , these Chanel bags is a bad habit .

Robyn Rihanna Fenty p.o.v

I looked at the stage and I seen Bey !  This was her concert ?! I didn't even know she was on tour . A familiar beat and a familiar face shown from underground . IS THAT NICK ?!!
So many emotions came from me that I couldn't explain . My overall mood was happy that she was here . I just hoped Shakira wouldn't notice . Nicki was just walking around stage and dancing in that tight ass pink leather onesie . Damn she looked so sexy . If I was with her, I would have torn that shit off .

She started bounce up and down on the ground with bey . The only thing I could imagine was me being the stage . And her bouncing up and down on my face . She looked so amazing. The song later faded out and she walked off the stage . I had to see her again up and personal .

I told Shakira I would be going to the bathroom , she just nodded and kept listening to the music . I snuck around security and went straight to Nicki's dressing room.

 I snuck around security and went straight to Nicki's dressing room

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Just as I suspected she was in there drinking .

"Nicki !" I said walking towards her .

"Robyn , what are you doing here ?" She asked me

"Long story ,  I understand if you're still mad but -" 

"Mad ? I'm not mad , what makes you think I'm mad ? "

" , lioness , I was wrong and you was right ! I'll repeat it if you want me to . I miss- "

"Let me stop you right there Robyn , Robyn I think you should know that I have someone ! I think it's time to move on. You seem happy with that bitch Shakira . So go ahead have her . I won't interfere . "

"Nicki , I don't want her I WANT YOU ! I realized my mistake . You mean the world to me . You made me laugh, smile , and all of the above . Nicki please don't leave me !" I said now on my knees .

" Robyn I'm  sorry , I can't keep doing this but -"

"NO ! I'm not taking no for an answer ! Look at me Onika ! Look me in my eyes and tell me  you do not have feelings for me . " I ordered

She looked me straight in my eyes . She said nothing and tears started from beneath her pupils . I stood up and pulled her into a tight hug .

"I still have feelings Robyn " I heard her whisper . I whispered in the crease of her neck . " I know " .

Just then a burly figure and 2 tiny shadows looked at us. I turned around and there stood Meek mill and 2 teenage girl .

Nicki looked up and quickly wiped her tears . She hid her pain with a fake smile .

"Hey guys , how was your flights ?" She asked them .

They all replied saying 'fine' .

2 of the teenage girls came running to me , I'll admit they're very pretty .

"Rob- I mean Rihanna  this is jasmine and Corey " Nicki said .

I admit it sort of hurt when she called me Rihanna . I said my hello and I seen Nicki hold Meek mills hand .

"Are you ready Nicki?" He asked her . She nodded and grabbed her coat . I had a puzzled look on my face .

"Rihanna meet Meek mill , were going out , see you soon I guess ." With that being the last thing she said . All 4 of them left and Meek mill and Nicki was hand in hand .

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And comment y'all comments be leaving me dead 💀

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