A Fresh Start

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*2 Years Later*

It was a cool night in the Pride Lands. Wild herds stood eating on tall green grass. Nearby lives a large popular lion pride. "Pride Rock" is the name. Its what we call home of the great Kings and Queens from the past. The lions now are sleeping inside their warm cave.

In the far back of the cave sleeps the new royal couple, King Kovu and Queen Kiara. It's been 3 months now since the couple took over the kingdom after Simba's passing due to old age.

Nala is still living and couldn't be any more prouder of her eldest daughter ruling. She knows Simba would be very proud too. Nala taught Kiara every thing she knows about being a Queen. Now it's time for those lessons to pay off.

Next to Kovu and Kiara sleeps their only son Makosa who's now a teenager. He's grown very handsome indeed. His mane is half growing into two colors both red and dark brown. Very unique!He's got the red from his grandfather Simba. Red seems to be a strong gene in the royal family. Makosa been training a lot with Kovu on how to be King.

Things so far are going good. Kovu and Kiara seem to have everything under the control. The pride accepts and trusts them as the new Royal couple guide them to the new circle of life.

Heri the old Prince will never be forgotten. Kiara dreams about him almost every night. She remembers when she first held him in her arms when he was just a newborn. Good times...

But Kovu and Kiara both learned that it is time to move on now and let the Prince rest. They know their son wouldn't want them to worry. He's up there happy with Mufasa, Sarabi, and now Simba. Probably having fun who knows!

Maha, Nala's youngest daughter,, Kion and Kiara's baby sister, Makosa's aunt is now a teenager too. She is asleep laying beside Nala. She's grown gorgeous just like her mother. Maha has been taking it very rough lately though every since her father died.

Everyone in the Pride Lands were sad. But not how Maha is. She was more close to Simba than his own first two children. He spoiled and favor her more. Well of course since she's the youngest and last child!

Maha is going to miss him. It's going to be hard not having him around. She's so use to him telling her stories about the Great Kings and Queens and what it was like living in a jungle with a warthog and meerkat. Those were the good old days...

Kion of course is still the same being busy with the Lion Guard team as usual. But he's been giving himself some slack lately. Especially since he's now an engage lion to Aala. He realizes that he has to spend some time with her as well. But when duty calls Aala understands that he has to go save the day.

Auni, Bahiya, and Ishara are also teenagers. Auni has finally gotten over Heri being gone. At first when she was a cub she use to grieve and cry. He was her best friend. Not to mention she had a small crush on him too! But now since she's a bit older and realizes that he's never coming back, she's over him. But Heri still remains in her heart.

Bahiya? She's still the same bossy and tom boy girl. Bahiya and Makosa's relationship has grown closer over the past 2 years. Especially now since they were told by Kiara that they're betrothed. Bahiya couldn't be any more happier.

Ishara? Like his sister Auni, he couldn't get over the lost of his only best friend Heri. But once he got older he soon got pass it too. He knows Heri wouldn't want him to live sad forever. Sometimes you just have to accept and move on. Ishara has been training with Kion to be on the next new Lion Guard team. It is the only job for him to do.

A New Circle Of Life Has Just Begun...

The Lion King: Makosa's BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now