Moving On

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"Hey little sis!"

I was in the cave alone laying down. Kiara walks in with a smile. I turn my head away.


"What's the matter Maha? I haven't seen you since this morning. You okay?"

"Yeah." I replied. "I just-"

"Miss father huh still?" She asks, coming closer to me and sat down.

I didn't respond. A tear roll down my furry cheek. Kiara sighed and lick the tear away.

"I know...I miss him too. We all do..."

"It just doesn't seem so real. I know it was 3 months ago but still!"

Kiara lower her ears. I turn my head to face her, meeting my teal colored eyes with her reddish brown ones.

"It's going to be okay. Remember, he lives in all of us." She said. "Father wouldn't want me, you, mother, or Kion to be sad forever. Sometimes you just have to move on. He was old we all have to go someday. Right?"

I nod.

"Don't be sad little sis. I know father use to be the one you would always run to for advice or help. But if you ever need anything, I'm always here to listen."

"But your always busy doing Queen duties."

Kiara chuckled. "Yeah, that is true." She smiles, "But I'll never be too busy for my baby sister if she needs help."

I smile back. "Thanks, Kiara."

We both hug.

"Now come on, let's get you out of this cave. Mother and everyone else is behind Pride Rock."


I stood up and follow Kiara outside behind Pride Rock.

She's right, I need to move on. It's not healthy...

"There she is!" Said a voice.

It's mother. She walks up hugging me.

I smile, "Hi mom!"

"You okay?"

"Yeah, just had a small talk with Kiara that's all."

She nod her head at Kiara then smile at me. "Good."

"Uncle Mheetu and Haiba invited us all behind Pride Rock for some exciting news." Said Kiara.

"Attention, attention, can I have everyone's eyes and ears!" A voice yells.

It's Uncle Mheetu. We all turn our heads.

"My wife and I just wanted to say that we're-"

"Expecting our first cub!" Haiba beams.

I gasp with surprise. Everyone cheered and clapped. These two are such a perfect couple. I'm proud of them! Haiba always wanted children. Well, that's what I heard from the lionesses.

"This is great!" I giggled.

Mother hugged her baby brother. She couldn't be any happier. I haven't seen her this happy since father.

"Cool, a baby cousin on the way!" Said Kion, who joined the scene. Kion gave my head a noogie. "Sup little sis! See you're out the cave."


I push him playfully.

"Have you seen my husband and son while you wee out Kion?" Kiara asks.

He shook his head. "Nope!"

"They've been gone all day. Hmm..."

"Don't worry sweetie, I'm sure they're fine. They'll be back before the sun goes down." Said mother.

Kiara looks up at the sky and sigh. "I hope..."

"Come on, let's go congratulate Uncle Mheetu!" I say, running over to the crowd.

They follow behind me.

"Congrats Uncle Mheetu and Aunt Haiba!"

I hug them both as they smile.

"Thanks Maha!" Mheetu said, hugging me back.

"What are you both hoping to have?" Mother asks, excitedly.

"A girl." Haiba beams.

"D'aaaaaw!" Kiara says, with tears welling up in her eyes. "That's so beautiful."

Kion rolled his eyes as I laughed. Kiara has always been the emotional one out of us.

Having another girl around wouldn't be so bad...

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