Building Trust

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Outside in the middle of darkness, the evening has just been over. Filling up with small specks of light, shinning like a million fireflies. The blackness little by little fading. The moon has just arrived. The sun has gone to rest, the moon takes its place as the darkness begins to surround me. I like the night. It hides my flaws, my imperfections. The moon guides me through the night. The calming presence makes me slowly close my eyes, my body quietly switching off; but the moon lets my soul run free. I can do the things I would never be allowed to do when the sun is out. I can do whatever I my worries, my thoughts, silently burn into smoke as they wonder through the endless night once more.

I run through the grassy fields, letting the wind blow its cool breeze on my sandy tan fur and large burnt umber mane. My blue eyes glow in the darkness. Most of the Pride land animals are in their homes asleep. The sounds you would hear are the croaking from frogs and chirping from crickets. To me, it sounds beautiful.

Suddenly, I hear the crunch of a crispy twig on the ground. My right ear twitch. I stop running and use my excellent night vision to scan my surroundings.

"Who's there?" I call out.

I use my great sense of smell and sniff the air twice. The scent smells very familiar. I know that lovely, divine scent from anywhere.

I smirk. "Alright Kisima, come on out. I know you're here hiding."

Kisima have been trying to sneak up on me and pin me down for days now. I always out smart her. She refuses to lose by me and will not give up until she gets a win.

I stand alert in case she jumps out with surprise. Then...


I crouch down as Kisima jumps over me. She flies in the air landing successfully on her back. I shake my head at her failure.

"Ugh!" I hear yell in frustration.

I walk over to her with a grin. "You've got to be more quieter than that sweetheart. I think your friend the stick had given you away."

I help Kisima stand back up on her colorless paws. She shakes out her Navajo white colored fur in case of dirt. Her garnet eyes meet with my own.

Kisima widely smirks. "One day I'll get you Ishara."

"Mhmm, sure."

She paws playfully at my face. I growl and with in a instant, I pin her. She didn't even see it coming. I swear I heard her gasp. I couldn't help but to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Kisima asks.

I smile. "You."

I'm still standing strongly over her. She has no escape. Kisima aims for my neck, biting it in a playful manner. I purr while nibbling at left ear. After trying so many attempts to get me off her, Kisima gives up.

She rolls her eyes, "Fine, you win again."

"Don't I always?"

I rub my nose up against her own. She purrs then gave it a quick lick. I finally got off of her and sat down.

"What are you doing out Kisima at this time of night anyways?" I ask skeptical. "You should be in the cave with the others sleeping."

Kisima sat down close beside me, her fur brushed up against mines while looking up at the stars. "I was, but then I had felt you move and got up. I wonder where you were going. I thought to the watering hole for a quick drink, but you were gone more than ten minutes. You know Ishara it's still not quite safe with the hyenas. Plus your sister Auni had reported earlier to the Pride that there's a male lion trespassing around here."

"I know. I am not afraid of no damn hyena or another lion. I wish one would try to come at me. I'll rip them both into shreds."

"Okay tiger, I believe you. Relax!"

Kisima laughs. I was being serious though.

"You on the other hand should be home. What if that lion got to you. I would defiantly have to show him that this lady is taken."

Kisima hits her tail at my side while rolling her eyes. She snorts, "Oh please Ishara, you know I wouldn't allow that. My eyes are only set for you. Your my boyfriend!"

I grin at her. "I better be."

We both nuzzle.

"I don't trust Mila though."

"What do you mean?"

Kisima looks down at her paws. "I see the way she looks at you Ishara. I've been holding this in for the longest. I just had to say something about it. I think she likes you."

I burst out with laughter. "Mila? Bahaha don't be ridiculous Kisima! She's just a friend. I can't see Mila liking me that way. She always argue with me and make rude comments at times."

"That's how she shows her affection. Most girls have a hard time doing that. You better start paying more attention to that Ishara or I'll say something."

"No, no, no. No need for any cat fights. We're all friends here. Mila and everyone in this pride knows that we're in a pretty close relationship. I've known Mila since we we're cubs. That's not her cup of tea."

Kisima gets up and begins walking back to Pride Rock. Her face shows annoyance. "Of course it isn't..."

I leap up to her left side and bump shoulders. I can sense the jealousy from her and chuckle. "Hey, stop. It's going to be okay alright? If it makes you feel better, I'll talk to Mila tomorrow morning to find out okay?"


"Your my only love. I wouldn't do anything to ever hurt you or make you upset. Trust me. Isn't that what relationships are all about? Trust, honest, loyalty and most importantly love? We're both adults now."

"Yeah, I agree."

I lick her cheek. "So, just chill then. Let me ask Mila the questions tomorrow and I'll tell you everything what happened. Okay?"


I smile. "Thank you, my beautiful ua." (A/N: Ua means flower in Swahili).

Kisima gives me a half smile. She has every right to feel the way she feels. But I wouldn't leave her for Mila. Don't get me wrong, Mila in terms of looks is attractive. But she still doesn't beat Kisima. Kisima has beauty, brains, and a great personality. I wouldn't trade that for anything or anyone. I'd be dumb.

If I can only get her to trust me...

The Lion King: Makosa's BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now