Private Talk

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A/N: I dont ever recall doing a POV on Mila's character. Since I am always doing POV's on the main characters, I figure why not give the less important characters their own time to shine :D If you dont remember who is Mila, re-read the early chapters of this book to refresh your memory!





The yellow shining sun started rising from the ground. It filled the sky with mighty colors of red and splashed the clouds with endless rays of pink. Slowly and reluctantly, I uncover my face from my cream paws. I blink, close my mint colored eyes, and blink again. Streaks of sunlight makes its way inside the cave's entrance and blind me. I roll over on my belly and stretch out my arms and legs with a yawn. Everyone else in the pride seems to be awake now too. Today is me, Bahiya, Auni, Kisima, and Maha's turn to go hunt the pride breakfast today. The current leading huntress "Karima" thinks that we still need a bit more practice with our tackling. She wants us to improve our skills more and become stronger. King Kovu doesn't tolerate any 'weaklings' in his pride. Which is why he'd chosen Karima to train us. They've known each other from their old Out Land pride. Karima was known to be one of Zira's top strong lionesses. She told us that story herself.

I am really not in the mood for any hunting today. I feel very sluggish. I stand up with a groan and walk my way out the cave to meet up with the girls below Pride Rock. There I only found Bahiya, Auni, and Kisima. Maha is no where to be seen. I look around with concern as I come forward to the three.

"Where is Maha?" I ask.

Bahiya shrug her furry shoulders, "I have no idea."

"Did she overslept again?" Auni asks, while rolling her eyes with a sigh.

Kisima shook her head at Auni. "No. I saw her awake before I left out the cave. She was talking to her brother Kion."

I sat down. "Well, where's Karima? Are we suppose to meet up with her in the hunting grounds or is she late too?"

Bahiya starts to walk off into the tall grasses. "We are suppose to meet up with Karima there now. I was trying to wait for Maha. I cant risk the three of us in trouble. We're going to have to go on without her today."

I couldn't even agree more with Bahiya. I stand back up on my four paws and follow behind her through the tall grasses. Auni and Kisima slowly trail behind us. They are in some private conversation. I couldn't really hear due to their soft whispering voices. When we finally had made it to the hunting grounds, a mocha fur colored lioness awaits for us under a large tree. It's Karima.

"I was beginning to think that you girls were not coming." She says, while walking out of the shade exposing her fur to the open sunlight. Her sapphire eyes glistens. "There's only four of you. Where is the Queen's sister?"

"Maha? That's a great question miss Karima!" Bahiya replied, with an awkward chuckle.

Karima narrowed her eyes at us not finding anything amusing at all. "You all are suppose to stick together. I guess we'll have to hunt again without her. This is the second time this week. I have been nice. I have no choice but to report this to the King."

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