Evening/Cuddle Night

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"Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. As king, you need to really understand that balance and respect all the creatures, from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope."

"Antelope? That's crazy! Why should we respect prey? We eat it."

"Let me explain, son. When we die, our bodies become the grass, and the antelope eat the grass. And so we are all connnected in the great Circle of Life." Father shortly explains.

"Oooooh." I say, with a nod. "This all sounds so familiar to me though. I think grandpa Simba had taught me and Heri both this when we were younger..."

"Yeah. Your grandfather had also taught me too. He was a great, strong, wise guy..."

Father and I look up at the now evening sky as the wind blow through our fur.

"Come on, let's get home." Father said, while leading the way back to Pride Rock. "I'm sure you're mother is questioning where we are. Dinner is probably there already!"

"Oh boy, food!" I say, leaping to his side happily.

I was starving. I haven't eaten since breakfast. We totally skipped lunch with these darn King lessons. Glad that's over for the day! When we got home, we were greeted by grandma Nala.

"Hey grandma!"

She head buds me. "Hello, Makosa. My you get so tall and more handsome each day."

I blush and chuckle. Grandma gives father a hug.

"Kiara is inside. She was sorta worried and wonder when you two were coming back." She told him.

Father snorts. "As always."

We both walked inside the cave. Grandma Nala decided to stay outside a bit longer. Mother was busy talking to Tiifu and Zuri.

"Hey honey, I'm home!" Father greets, with a warm nuzzle.

Mother smiles wide. "Yay your back!"

I sniff looking around. "So, where's the food?"

"Boy, you so busy worrying about food that you can't give your mama a hug or some suga?"

"Heh, sorry mom!"

I gave mother a quick hug and lick her cheek.

"There's some left over food over there." Tiifu pointed.

I follow her point and rush over to the hippo meat. "Oh boy, oh boy!"

Tiifu, Zuri, and Kiara laughed while father rolled his eyes.

I started to chow down. Mmmm so good!



I look up and see standing in front of me is Bahiya. "Hey Bahiya!"

She sits and laugh. "You okay? You act like you've been starving."

"I haven't ate since morning. Father wouldn't let me in the afternoon because of the lessons, so yah."

"You know me, Auni, Maha, and the other lionesses help caught that in hunting class today?"

I chew the remaining pieces of meat in my mouth then swallowed. "What? Your kidding!"

Bahiya shook her head. "Nope. Karima was so stunned! We used excellent team work and skills."

"That's great! Congrats."

"Heh, thanks. Just hope I'll be a part of the new hunting party soon."

"You will. I have belief! You and Maha are both really good hunters. Don't tell Auni this but I think she needs more practice on her pouncing."

Bahiya giggles. "Yeah she does! I told her that before but of course being stubborn you know how that goes."

I chuckle. "Trust me, I know!"

After I finished eating, I lick my paws and muzzle clean then laid down getting ready for bed.

"Mind if I lay here tonight?" Bahiya asks.

"Oh uh, sure." I nod.

She lays down beside me. "Goodnight."

I close my eyes. "Good night."

I was about to fall into a deep sleep until I felt something press up against me. I look down at my side seeing Bahiya cuddled on my fur.

She must be cold...

I scooted close to her. I didn't want to be rude so why not? I close my eyes going be back to sleep with a smile.

Wow, in a few years she will be my Queen...

The Lion King: Makosa's BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now