Getting To Know Each Other

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"Okay, this is the watering hole. Our pride often come here to simply hang out or just get a drink of water. We share it with other animals too. It is a very popular area as you can see." Said the lioness with  creamy colored fur and hazel eyes. She has a hair tuff on top of her head. Her name is Bahiya.

My sister "Aiysha" nodded her head. She smiles, "Awesome!"

"Your pretty much free to walk, eat, or drink any where you please in these lands. Just don't go out too far towards that shadowy place we pointed to you earlier." Said the other lioness who has burnt orange fur, chestnut eyes, small tuft on her head, and sharp claws that stay out. Her name is Auni. She's very pretty indeed. I tilt my head up at her and smile.

I have never seen a lioness so pretty as her before. When I first made eye contact with her earlier, it felt like everything around me had stopped. I was so lost for words.

"What shadowy place?" Sahel, Aiysha and I baby brother asks. His eyes are filled with suspicion.

Bahiya chuckled. "Well little one, that place is called the Out Lands." Her face turns serious. "It is very  dangerous. You must never go there. Hyenas live there, that has been their home for years. They're very mean creatures who like to steal our food and kill lion cubs."

Sahel climbs up my back and hides behind my bushy brown mane. "Lion cubs?! I don't want to ever go there..."

Aiysha rub his head with her paw, "Its okay Sahel, we won't dare let them hurt you." She cooed.

Sahel felt more better and smiled. Bahiya starts walking back towards the huge tall rock. Aiysha follows her side, while Auni and I walk behind them quietly.

We both share glances at each other, but still not spoken a single word. It was awkward. I thought, "Maybe she's just shy?"

When we arrive back at Pride Rock, I didn't see our parents. They're probably with Uncle Kovu and Aunt Kiara out some place. Bahiya told us that we could go inside the cave or join them behind Pride Rock with their friends.

Aiysha and Sahel joined them behind Pride Rock. I decide to go explore the Pride Lands more on my own.

This place is very breathtaking. My mother really had come from a beautiful place. I still don't understand what was her purpose of leaving anyway. Maybe that's how she met our father...

I walk through the tall grass. Antelopes nearby leap away. I am pretty hungry and haven't eaten since breakfast. I'm pretty sure Uncle Kovu and Aunt Kiara wouldn't mind me hunting at this hour.

I follow the antelopes quietly not to startle them again. They're busy eating grass. I crouch low to the ground in full hunting mode. I growl and crawl on my belly as I move forward again.


I pounce into the air with an surprising attack. I release a loud roar and caught a male antelope who almost got away. I tackle him on the ground and went in for the kill.

I drag my winning prize underneath a tree away from the boiling afternoon sun and enjoyed my lunch with peace.

I thought about Auni again. Not trying to sound like a creep or a big weirdo, but I really want to talk to her. You know as friends. I'm hoping she won't brush me off. If I hang with her, then more lions will come around to me.

The Lion King: Makosa's BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now