It Is Time

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Makosa and I sat there inside the quiet empty cave. Both of us are in deep thoughts. What happened earlier was super wild and crazy. Like who attacks an elder? You've got to be really insane! I am glad both Nala and King Kovu are okay. Makosa would have lost his mind if something bad were to happen to them. I nuzzle Kosa with an reassuring smile. He purrs and give my nose a lick. I giggle adorably as he smile happily at me.

"Bahiya?" My mother calls from outside the cave. "It is time for your Queen lessons. Queen Kiara is now ready for you."

"Well, I guess that's my cue to now leave." I say, while standing up. I stretch out my legs and yawn. "Are you sure Kosa that you'll be fine here alone? I'm worried about you."

Makosa nodded. He rubs his head against my own. "Yeah, you go on. You need your lessons. Each one counts! Now go on and make me proud my beautiful future Queen."

I blush. Every time he calls me his Queen, it makes my cheeks turn red hot. It always cause me to smile like an complete idiot. I am the luckiest lioness in the Pride to be his. It still doesn't seem or feel real though...

I walk outside the cave and there I see my mother and Queen Kiara both talking. They stop once seeing me come forward. I bow my head respectfully at the Queen. She smiles and greet me with a simple nod.

"Hello Bahiya! Come, so we can begin your lesson. Due to the terrible event earlier, we've seem to had lost track of time. Normally we train in the morning. But I guess the afternoon will not be so bad." She says.

"Cool! It's fine with me." I said. "I was just making sure that your son was okay. Makosa seems to be still trying to put together of what exactly had happened earlier with that strange lion." I follow Queen Kiara down Pride Rock. " How is your mother?" I ask.

"Still frightened, but okay thankfully. I don't know what I'd do if I had lost her or my husband." She then sadly sighs. "I've already lost someone...I can't lose another family member not just yet."

That someone is her oldest child Heri. Heri was such a happy and cheery cub who brought light inside the Pride. He was so good at hide and seek. I remember when my friends, Makosa, and I were little. We couldn't find him that whole afternoon, until finally Makosa was able to found high up in a tree. We wonder how he got up there. He is an excellent climber!

I smile at the thought of my old friend Heri. Out of all of our group of friends, Auni seemed to be the closest to Heri. She often tells me that every night she would have a dream about him. Dreams of them together as cubs running through a field of colorful flowers. The two were laughing chasing each other around with big smiles.

Auni had really loved him...

I gave the Queen a reassuring smile. "Awww, don't worry your highness. Remember he lives in you."

The Queen suddenly stopped walking. She froze and I raise a brow with confusion as if questioning why she done such a thing. There was nothing in front of us. Nothing but open grass land.

"My Queen, are you alright?" I ask, worried.

She slowly nodded. The Queen stares off into a distance. "Yeah, its just...I've heard that saying before from someone. It's been so darn long."

"Mind if I ask who that someone is?"

"My father. He use to tell me that."

I gave the Queen a hug. She chuckles hugging me back. "Don't worry Bahiya, I'm not going to cry. He died years ago!"

We both let each other go from the hug. The Queen met her eyes with my own and smiled. She placed her right paw on top of my left one. "I see his wisdom is following inside your heart. You're going to be a great Queen. I can see it. You're going to lead our kingdom with great pride and dignity! I trust you and my son. Kovu and I are proud to call you our daughter in law."

Hearing the Queen tell me those beautiful words made me shed a tear. She hugs me.

"Thank you so much, Kiara. I honestly wouldn't give up this position for the world. It is my duty to complete the rest of the circle of life. I love your son so much. Thank you, thank you!"

After this emotional moment, we went back to our original task which was for Queen Kiara to rehearse my Queen lessons. We've spent maybe an hour or two doing so, then went back to Pride Rock.

"Good job today, Bahiya!" The Queen comments.

"Thank you again! See you around later."

With that, the Queen and I went our separate ways. She went behind Pride Rock to go find her husband, while I jogged inside the cave hoping Makosa is still there.

He's not.

I've only found Nala, Aala, Haiba, my mother, and Zuri. The cubs I'm assuming are all outside playing.

"Hello everyone!" I greet.

All five had stopped their gossip conversation. "Hello, Bahiya!" They greeted back in unison with smiles.

"How did it go?" My mother asks, referring to the Queen lessons.

I pick a spot and laid down beside her. "Very well. Queen Kiara thinks I am set and done with lessons. She thinks I'm ready!"

Nala smiles overjoyed. "Oh Bahiya darling, that is such great news! I believe too that you're ready based on what Kiara have told me. I trust her judgement and note taking. This is not because of favoritism. You've already shown and expressed your seriousness and care about your position as future Queen. Simba, my late husband would also be proud for the excellent choice of you ruling beside Makosa."

I hug Nala. "Thank you."

Hearing those comments from the old retired Queen meant a lot to me as well. Nala had a great legacy.  In her younger adult years, she left Pride Rock to help find food and water for the Pride. A dark mind, evil lion named Scar was ruling then. Her search led her inside a tropical jungle where she reunited with her childhood best friend the old late King Simba. Her and Simba bravely risk their lives to save the Pride Lands by facing Scar against the hyenas. In the end, Scar and his minions of course were defeated which made Simba the rightful King as he marries Nala. Thus, which next became the birth of Kiara and Kion.

What a cool story huh?

"Do you  ladies by chance have any idea of where Makosa could have gone to?" I ask.

"Last time I checked I saw him  with my husband and Zuri's son Ishara." Said Aala.

Zuri had stopped licking her paws. "Yeah, they're on afternoon patrol. They should be back soon hopefully."

Hm, afternoon patrol?

I don't remember Makosa mentioning to me about him going on any patrols today. But maybe King Kovu had sent Makosa, Ishara, and Kion to scan the land and borders in case of any signs of that lion. I nod at the thought.

Guess this would be the perfect time to nap. I turn my body into a comfortable sleeping position and close my eyes.

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