New Job/Worry

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey guys! I know I'm not suppose to update the book today. I did say ONLY Saturdays and Sundays. Well, lucky you today I felt like writing! 😄 This will NOT become an everyday thing. You may receive unexpected chapter updates every once in awhile depending on my mood. Thank you all for your votes and sweet comments on all of the Lion King books I've written ❤️❤️❤️. You all keep me so motivated! God bless 😘

You may now enjoy and read the new chapter below!





I smile back then walk off. "We are done with lessons for the day son."

"Why so short?" Sadiku asks unsurely.

"Well, you seem to understand what we've went over last week. No need to repeat. Go and enjoy the rest of your day."

"Wow, thanks mom!"

With that, Sadiku turned around going in the opposite direction. The sound of his heavy paws are out of ear shot which means he's gone.

"Okay guys he's gone. Come on out!" I yelled.

"Oh I thought he would never leave!" Said Bamba.

Two hyenas, one brown and the other spotted had step out from hiding behind a termite mound.

Dojo sat down and began to scratch himself irritably. "Ugh, these darn termites! Why did we hide there anyway? It was also a tree there we could have used too you know..."

"Because clearly I did not want you both there Dojo. Now, I have a new job for you both." I say.

Bamba leans in closer, raising his left ear. "Which is?"

"Bamba I want you to go spy on King Kovu and see what he's been plotting. Report anything you've heard or witnessed back to me right away. Dojo I want you to spend some time with my son."

Dojo raised a brow. "That's it your majesty?"

I nod. "No. I want you to take him to Elephant Grave Yard. Tell him the clans history. Sadiku is my adoptive son, he deserves to know everything."

"How come you couldn't show and tell him yourself? You ARE his current mother..."

"Oh there's a special reason why I didn't." I widely smirk.

"Okay, you're now scary me with that creepy smirk again." He said, covering his eyes.

"Both of you, go now. Remember what I've said!"

Bamba and Dojo both nod their heads before running off to their duties.



The hunting party and I had just returned home from our successful afternoon hunt. I carry a piece of wildebeest meat in my mouth while walking behind Pride Rock to find Aala.

"Aala?" I call.

"Yes?" A tired voice answered.

I found her laying on one of the rocks underneath a large shady tree. I sat the meat down in front of her paws.

"I was told to bring you this."

"Oh, thank you! I thought Kion was hunting me food?"

I nod. "He was suppose to. But, you know how it goes with my brother being constantly busy with the guard team and all."

Aala sighed. "Right..."

I sat down. She looks now sad. "Aala, what's wrong?"

"Its nothing really Maha. I sometimes just wonder..."

"About what?"

"You know being pregnant and all with our first cub. What if one day I give birth and Kion isn't there? He's never home anymore. There's going to be a time when I really need him. Now it's like I can't even depend on him anymore to take care of me. I'm alone..."

I felt bad and place a paw on top of Aala's. "Awwwwww Aala, me and you both know that is not true. Kion loves you and the unborn cub both a lot. All he ever talks about to me, my mom, and Kiara is you guys. But everybody in the pride knows exactly how busy the role of being a guard leader truly is. I mean, when you guys had first met you know what type of job he was doing. He wasn't just a royal prince. You knew what was expected."

"Yeah, but I didn't know it would be like this though. The only time I see him is at night or before he leaves in the morning. What if he's like that when the cub gets here? Oh gosh!" Aala started crying.

I stand up and hug her. Soon she's going to be my sister in law. I have to get use to emotional times like this. "Oh Aala, you're thinking nothing but the worse right now. Relax and chill! You do not need this stress. It's not good for your baby. How about you and Kion talk? Tell him everything on how you feel like you just told me. I'm sure you both can work something out. But just know, you're not alone in this. If you ever need some help I'm here. I promise!"

Aala hugs me back and sniffs. "Wow, thanks Maha. That means a lot! You sound just like your mother. So heart warming and wise."

I laugh. "Your welcome. I just don't want any drama when my niece or nephew arrives."


"Now eat up, ill have my sister or mom to check on you later."

Aala nods and began eating on the wildebeest I've brought her. Im defiantly going to let Kion know about this later. His fiancé needs him more than ever now. It takes two when it comes to pregnancy. I'm still a teenager and I know that! I went to go join the rest of the pride to feast on our winning prize.

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