Future Queen

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"Have you heard the news yet, Bahiya?" My mother asks.

She comes up and joins me on the rock. I was watching the beautiful sun set. I shook my head.

"No, what happen?"

"Aala gave birth!"

"Really? Oh wow, that's good! I know Makosa and Maha are both proud. Not to mention Mr. Kion too of course." I smile.

Mother nods. "Yes. I found out from Kiara when I got back home from hunting. Aala gave birth to twin girls. They're so beautiful!"

"Awwwwe! I would have to meet them tomorrow. I'm sure she's tired now."

"Yeah she is. Everyone left to let her rest alone."

I nod and turn my eyes back to the sun which is now down with the moon rushing above. Shimmering stars, clear dark night sky, the quietness, all forms of life are now gone to their homes sleeping, birds chirping wistfully. Crickets are singing their night song, while the frogs croaked.

"You know Bahiya, I am really proud of you."

"For what?"

She chuckles with a smile. "Your growing so beautifully and becoming a great future Queen already!"

I blush and laugh. "Oh wow, thanks mom!"

"After Kiara and I spoke about Aala's twins , she told me she's been watching you with Rafiki's daughter and the retired Queen Nala. She said you learn very quickly and understand all the laws and rules of the Pride Lands."

"Yeah, I do. It was an honor to really take this position. I didn't quite understand it much when I was younger. Now since I'm getting close to  adult, I now have the mindset for everything! It's a lot to keep up but I do try to remember. Now, Makosa on the other hand..."

Mother cock her head to the side. "What about him, hun?"

I look down. "He still doesn't feel that excitement like I have. Maybe with him it's different. I don't know...I keep asking him what's wrong or if I am the wrong one to be betrothed to him. Mother do you know how many young lionesses in this Pride that wants to be his Queen?!"

"Yes, I know Bahiya. And stop saying nonsense like that! You are the right one to be betrothed to Prince Makosa. Kiara and I have been talking about this since you two were young cubs. We've made the right choice trust me. Makosa is still a bit young and a lot has been thrown at him over the years. Not to mention, the past when his brother Prince Heri had died. When he grows older, he'll see and take it more seriously. Kovu is doing all he can to train him. So all we can do for now is just wait for what the future holds for us all. But picking you to become the next Queen is no mistake child. This is your time! Make the Great Kings and Queens proud."

I smile and hug mother tightly. She have always believed in me and say that I can do things. She never wants me to give up. Mother hugs me back and lick the top of my head, making my hair tuft fall over my eyes.

"Thank you mom. I love you!"

"I love you too sweetie! Now, let's get ready for bed. It's getting darker out."

Mother gets up and walk her way up Pride Rock to the cave. I soon stand and follow behind her. She's right, there's no need for me to worry. I need to be more patient with Makosa since he's still trying to accept this big change. Like mother said, "All we can do for now is just wait for what the future holds for us all."

I follow mother inside the cave and lay beside her. I close my eyes shut and fall into a deep quiet sleep.


I rolled back over onto my belly and open my eyes with a yawn. I look over to my right side seeing mother missing. She must of went to go hunt breakfast with the hunting party. I stood up with a stretch and padded my way out of the cave. Outside I found Makosa sitting on Pride Rock's edge.

His eyes are concentrated on the kingdom as if he's looking out for something. I walk up slowly not to startle him and smile.

"Good morning Kosa!" I greet.

"Morning Bahiya!" He greets back. "I see your up early."

"I was going to say the same to you too."

I sit next to his left side, also looking at the gorgeous kingdom. "I can't believe in a few more years this will all be ours."

Makosa nods. "Yeah...I had a talk with my father this morning. Which is why I am up early."

"Oh, what happen?"

"Nothing bad or anything. He was just telling me how proud my grandfather would be of me taking this position."

"Yeah, he would."

Makosa took his eyes finally off the kingdom's view and met them with my own. "I've finally decided that this is what I really want. I want to be King. I want to please both my father and grandfather. Now since I'm a big cousin to Uncle Kion's cubs, I got someone to look after and protect too. I don't want to let them down either. It's time to grow up now and accept reality. It was a reason why the Great Kings have chosen me. I would be glad to take this journey and also with you too Bahiya. I know you didn't ask for this but-"

I chuckle and smile, while placing my paw on top of his own. "Kosa, I am still proud and lucky to become the next Queen. I know it is a lot of responsibility but I am able to manage. My mother told me last night that her and your mother Queen Kiara had a talk about us."

"Oh lord, please don't tell me it was bad..."

"No, it wasn't! Your mother was basically saying that she's proud of me taking my lessons more seriously and that I'm a quick learner. She said I'm able to handle and balance it along with my hunting lessons too. Her and my mother thinks that I am going to do a good job ruling. Even Amwa said so!"

(Author's Note: If any one has forgotten who Amwa is, she's Rafiki's daughter in my theory/fan fiction and who will also become Makosa and Bahiya's adviser on their time as King and Queen).

Makosa smiles. "You will. I have belief and faith. We both work very hard and well as a team. This is going to turn out great!"

I giggle. Makosa rubs his nose up against mines.

"C'mon, let's go see what Ishara and everyone else is doing!"


Together we race down Pride Rock.

The Lion King: Makosa's BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now