New Plan

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It's been 2 full years now and 3 months since I've been hiding from the new Pride Lands King Kovu. I know he's been out trying to find me and my clan. We relocated ourselves a bit far from the Pride Lands. I doubt he'll find us now. I made sure our tracks and scents our covered!


"Yes, Amana?"

"Can you please tell Sadiku and Omari to stop messing with me while I'm trying to recite the clan's pledge. I keep mixing up the words!" My daughter says, annoyed.

I sigh. "Sadiku, Omari!"

I hear paw steps enter the den.

"Yes, mother?"

"Why are you two bugging your sister? You know she's got a big day tomorrow."

Omari sat down. "We're sorry Amana. We just got bored!"

Sadiku nodded. "Yeah, and Haji has been busy a lot lately trying to work on his fighting skills."

"Well, play some place else. Make some friends or something! You guys are teenagers. I'm sure you can figure something out." I said, laying down with my front paws crossed.

"Ugh, let's go play in the mud again Sadiku..."

Omari walked out of the den. I stare at Sadiku for a while. I notice how big he's grown now and incredibly handsome too. His body carries large muscles. Sadiku's dark mane is half grown, still many days and months to go. When I first saw him, he was just a small cub with nothing.

It's amazing how fast lions grow. Seems like us hyenas take forever! Compared to him we're smaller.

But this new plan of mines that I've come up with may work...

"Um, Sadiku?" I call.

Sadiku was about to follow behind Omari out the den but stopped. "Yes, mother?"

"Come here son."

He came slowly forward. "Y-Yes?"

I smile. "The day has finally come. Tomorrow we will began your training!"

"Training of what?"

"You know, being King! Remember what I've taught you a long time ago?"

Sadiku looks confused. "But I thought hyenas couldn't have male rulers. Amana is the future Queen here."

"Yes, yes, I know that." I nod. I'm talking about being King some place else where they do accept male rulers."

"Really? Like where??"

"The Pride Lands."

Sadiku lifts a brow. "The Pride Lands? What's that??"

Wow, I see his memory is completely wiped out...

"The Pride Lands is home of the Great Kings and Queens of the past. Only rules by two strong lions both male and female. The land is so beautiful with soft green grass, crystal clear water, and plenty of delicious food to eat. It's like paradise!"

"Wow, it does sound wonderful. When can I go see it?"

"Once your done with your training."

Sadiku jumps up excitedly and smile. "Yay, can't wait!"

I raise my brow. "But there's one little thing."

"Which is?"

"The Pride Lands don't accept hyenas in."

"What? Why??"

I look down pretending to be sad and lower my ears. "They think we're thieves and killers."

Sadiku gasps. "No way!"

"Yes! They think we steal their food. We're just only trying to eat. We sometimes go weeks even months without food and starve. I can't risk the clan dying. That's why we need your help Sadiku."

"My help?"

"Yes. You're becoming bigger and much stronger each day. Maybe you can take down that King and become the new one allowing all hyenas back into the Pride Lands where we can rejoice and come together as one."

Sadiku thinks. "Hmmm. What do I get in return besides King?"

"Um, uh, some of us could be your working servants?" I suggested.


I smile and laugh evilly.

This is going to be so good...

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