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I decided to take a lone walk around the Pride Lands. Makosa is busy taking his King lessons with his father. So we couldn't hang out today. I still can't believe it though that in a few more years this kingdom will become ours. I'm actually prepared for it now. When I was younger, I have to admit that I was super nervous. The whole Pride will look at me differently. They'll view me as their strong leader. Someone for them to always depend on. Like Queen Kiara had once told me, the circle of life will be in Makosa and I's paws. We get decide what happens next for the future. I trust based on everything King Kovu has taught Makosa in his lessons, that Makosa will turn out to become an excellent King like his grandfather Simba and father himself.

Suddenly, the sound of thunder boomed. I look up at the sky. Seems like a storm is about to happen soon. I better start heading home for safety and cover. I quickened my pace as the clouds began to gather in the sky. Up to now, the sky had been postcard-perfect, but it was changing. The beautiful cocktail-blue shade was beginning to darken into gravel-grey. Large pillows of cloud were forming, blotting out the old-gold colour of the sun.

I got the first splatter of rain when I was halfway across the grasslands. So much rain was falling that the sound blurred into one long, whirring noise. Ugh I hate being wet!

Forked lightning, brilliant and white-hot, flashed through the dark sky. I quickly race up Pride Rock before it had really began to rain hard and took shelter inside the cavern. There I find everybody except for Makosa and King Kovu. A worry Queen Kiara sits with Maha and old retired Queen Nala. I join and sat by my mother's side. She licks me between my wet ears.

"Oh Bahiya, your soaking wet! You can easily get a cold from being out there." She points out.

I start to groom my soaked fur dry. "I know. I will be fine mother." She always over react. But I understand that she's just concerned as any mother would be. I am her only child. It makes sense.

"Don't worry Kiara, they'll be home. Trust me! Simba and the other Great Kings are watching over them." Said Nala, her mother.

Queen Kiara laid herself down trying to relax her worry stressed mind. "I know mother. It's just that storm out there seems to be too dangerous. Those very strong winds and large lightning bolts are driving me crazy."

"Maybe they've taken shelter some place else Kiara until the storm is over." Said Zuri, Auni and Ishara's mother. "They will be okay."

My mother nodded in agreement of her best friend. "That is a possibility Zuri!"

Queen Kiara thinks about it then smiles. "Your right. Thanks girls!"


Outside in the middle of darkness, the storm had just been over. Stars filling up the sky with small specks of light shinning like a million fireflies. The blackness little by little fading. The moon has just arrived. I've finally awaken from a nice long nap. I open my eyes with a yawn hoping to find Makosa back home.

I turn to his sleeping spot. Still cold and empty. I look over by Queen Kiara. King Kovu isn't back either.

"Where the hell are they then?" I wonder.

That's it...

I stand up on my paws and tip-toe my way outside the cavern. The lions are still sleeping. I lean carefully over the edge of Pride Rock squinting my eyes in hope of spotting Makosa. Him and his father have been gone all day. The storm has passed. Why haven't they come home right away?

"Bahiya?" I hear a deep voice call me from behind.

My ears twitch. I know that handsome tone of voice from anywhere. It's...MAKOSA! I spun around quick and pin him. He falls down on his back with laughter as I nuzzle my face into his warm mane.

"Where have you been?!" I ask happily.

"Amwa's tree." He simply says. "You remember Amwa right?"

"Yeah, Rafiki's daughter. What were you doing there all day long?"

"My father and I stayed there until the storm was gone. It wasn't safe to walk home in it. Now we're back!"

I lick his black nose. I'm just so happy that he's back home and okay thankfully. Queen Kiara is asleep right now, but I'm pretty sure in the morning she'll be so relieved to see her family back home safe.

I got off of Makosa so he could stand back on his four large paws. "Let me guess, my mother was worried sick about us?"

I laugh with a nod. "Yeah, she was. But eventually she had calmed down soon after my mother and Zuri spoke to her. Everyone is in the cave still sleeping. I just happened to wake up and noticed that your warm presence wasn't next to me sleeping like normally. I was worried that you wouldn't come home."

Makosa rubs his nose up against my own. "Don't worry, I'm not going any where. I would never leave you here alone Bahiya. I'm a strong lion! You know nothing ever comes my way."

"That is true. I know, I know. Where's your father?"

"Oh, he went inside the cave already probably to check up on my mom and tell her that we're back. We should go inside too. It's getting pretty chilly out now."

Makosa leads the way back in the cave. I leap behind him as if I'm a playful cub following it's mother tail. We lay down in our usual sleeping spots and cuddle.

I am so glad to have him home. Now I can sleep peacefully...

I lay my head over his two front paws, while he rests his furry chin on top of my head.

The Lion King: Makosa's BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now