The Place

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"So, Sahel, what are you destined for?" Said the cub with light gold fur, her black nose shaped thin and curved downward on either end, with maroon colored eyes. Her name is Adia.

"Destined? What does that mean??" I ask, confused.

The cub with fawn color fur (meaning yellowish tan), light brown eyes and maroon
-round shaped nose chuckles.

She is Aida's twin sister and her name is Chanua. "It means a lion's future developing as according to a type of plan. That is what our father had told us!"

"Oh...I don't think I have one. What's you threes?"

A cub with peach colored fur, colorless paws, bluish green eyes, and a nose that's a shade of tan smiles at me.

His name is Mosi and just like me, he doesn't have a hair tuft on his head. "My dad told me I'm destined to become a strong fighter just like him!"

I smile back nodding my head. "Cool!"

"My parents told me I'm destined to become the next Lion Guard leader." Said Adia, while puffing out her furry chest.

Chanua rolled her eyes with annoyance. "Good luck with that one sis. That's if the Lion Guard team allows a girl to be their leader..."

"Fuli is the only girl on the team."

"Yeah, but she's a cheetah. You're a lioness!" Said Mosi.

I cock my head to the side. "Whats a lion guard?"

"It is a team that protects the Pride Lands and defends the Circle of Life." Adia shortly explains. "I'm going to show the Pride Lands once I'm older that a girl can lead the team as it's new strongest leader!"

"How come you can't show them now?" Mosi asks.

Chanua snorts. "Because dad won't let her yet. He says it's too dangerous for a cub to join. Plus her fighting skills are terrible. I should have been chosen!"

"Shut up Chanua! Dad said I have the perfect roar. Can't you just be happy for me for once? Everything isn't always about you, ya know??" Adia frowns.

Mosi rolled his eyes and whisper in my left ear. "Don't worry, Sahel. They argue like this all day long. You get use to it after a while trust me. Come on, let's go play somewhere else! They'll join us later."

With that, Mosi ran off into the tall grass. I nod following right behind him.

"I am so glad that I don't have a sister my age. My siblings are much older than me. Do you have any siblings, Mosi?"

"Nope. I am the only child so far. Maybe one day my parents will have another cub. I always dreamed of having a baby brother."

I smile. "Yeah, having a baby brother doesn't sound bad at all. A little sister sounds like much trouble!"

We both laugh. I think I'm starting become good friends with Mosi. We both have a lot of similarities and dislikes. I'm glad I met him.

My first best friend...

"So, what do you like to do for fun Sahel?" Mosi asks.

The Lion King: Makosa's BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now