Welcome To The Pride Lands

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The lines of glares that shot for my eyelids awaked me. Spreading sunrise, pinkish glow, clouds tinted, colours spread across the sky announcing the new day, oranges and reds painted across the clouds.

Under the gentle spring sun its rays warm my yellow fur - like kisses from the divine. The nascent leaves have that soft green and the ground is scattered with vivid blooms whose petals dance in the breeze. I love spring. I could drink it up like a tonic. Instead I spread my paws wide and fan them though the damp air - like I did when I was a cub trying to fly.

"Good morning everyone!" My mother greets excitedly.

Mother can not wait to see her brother again. It's been years since she left her old home. She explain to me and my brother Hashaan when we were younger, that the reason she'd left was to start out a better lifestyle.

I don't understand why this place wasn't good for her. The Pride Lands is simply amazing and break taking! It's way better than our place back home...

Who wouldn't want to live here?

"So mother,when are we going to meet your brother?" Hashaan asks, who's standing up with a stretch.

"Once your cousin Makosa come and get us. We're doing this as a surprise remember?" Mother reminded. "That was the whole point of us sleeping here last night."

Prince Makosa found us a cave last night that we could sleep in until today's morning. We wait patiently for his arrival.

"Mama, im hungry!" Sahel whines.

"We're going to eat once we get to Pride Rock, son." Said father.

Sahel looks confused. "Dad, what's a Pride Rock?"

Mother and father look at each other with chuckles.

"Pride Rock is the home of the Lion King and his lionesses, and functions as his throne and palace. The pride makes their den in a cavern in one part of the formation. It is shown to be so tall, that one can see the entire Pride Lands from its peak, and vice versa. The formation can be seen from any part of the Pride Lands. Because of this, the area serves as a gathering place for many events as well as a key part of the Circle of Life, as when a new prince or princess is born, they are presented to the entire kingdom from the peak of Pride Rock." Mother explains.

"Cool!" Sahel smiles.

Hmmm, so that was what that tall rock that I had spot in a distance....

"I was wondering what that huff tall rock was over there when I woke up this morning...is that it?" I point with my paw.

Mother nodded. "Yup! And here comes your cousin now."

Makosa finally arrives and quickly led us back to his home. We try to hurry behind him. He told us the King is about to go on morning patrol and we needed to rush before he leaves.

Sahel rides on my back. He looks up, his eyes widen as we get closer to Pride Rock. He noticed how very tall and huge it is up close in person.

The Lion King: Makosa's BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now