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Bahiya and I are back home from our morning walk. When we got up to the top of Pride Rock, all hell had broke loose. I see father pinning down an unfamiliar male lion. Both of them exposing sharp teeth and claws. Then I see Grandma laying on the ground close by them. I quickly left Bahiya's side and ran up to her.

"Grandma are okay?!" I ask, worried.

"Y-Yes, I am fine." She replied, still terrified. "He didn't touch me. Thankfully your father had came on cue."

I head bud her then turn my head back to the direction of the  unknown male. I frown.

Who in the hell would even try to hurt an old lady?

Bahiya, mother, and Maha all help grandma back up on her paws. She stands up wobbly. Mother stands by her close for support.

"Who are you and what land are you from?" Father asks the male.

"My name is Sadiku." He speaks. "My home I will not share for the safety of my family." 

"Well, you should have thought about that before coming here trespasser. I bet you're the lion that's been spotted here a lot. You have no right to be in my kingdom, barging in my home, and trying to attack my mother in law. You're a threat to my pride. I have no choice but to kill you!"

Bahiya, Maha, and mother all gasp. Uncle Kion steps gladly up forward to watch.

"No! I will not fail my mother." I heard the lion say.

He kicks father strongly from off him and gets up. Father falls down.

"Kovu!" Mother calls.

"Look out!" Grandma warns.

The lion Sadiku roars. He crouches preparing to pounce. Father gets up but not quick enough. Sadiku jumps on his back, sinking in his claws and bites on the back of father's neck. Father yelps and roar in pain.

"Aaargggghh!!!" He yells.

"Someone help him!" Maha suggests.

Uncle Kion jumps in. It wasn't too long though before the lionesses had came. They all came in like a stampede and tackle Sadiku onto the ground. Each took turns swiping their sharps claws at his face and biting at each part of his body to make him weak. Lionesses will do anything to protect their King.

Father, bleeding, lays on the ground. Mother and I rush up.

"Father, are you okay?" I ask.

"Yes, I am fine." He reply. Father slowly stands back up, but then drops back down. He is badly hurt.

I growl with anger and run up to Sadiku. The lionesses back off quickly and allow me to add in my hit. Sadiku is dripping blood from his mouth, nose, and a couple of scars on his face.

I circle him around. "Who do you think you are?"

Sadiku snarls and lunge himself at me. We both fought one on one. The lionesses didn't even tempt to help fight this time. It was test for the whole Pride to see. Since I am going to be King in a few years, they need to see my entire strength.

So far I was winning. But then I missed my last attack when Sadiku had dodged my hitting blow. Instead, he smacks me hard with his paw. It sent me flying and hit by head against a rock.

I blank out...

A couple of lionesses manage to chase him off out of the Pride Lands. Hopefully he doesn't return again.

"Kosa? Are you alright??"

I open up my reddish brown eyes. I blink them slowly. I look around found myself laying inside the cave.

How did I get here?

I then look up and see Bahiya. She licks my nose and nuzzle me softly. "You were knocked out for a good long while. In so glad you're okay. I was so worried for you."

I got up quick to my paws. I growl, "Where is he?"

"Ssssh, calm down. Everything is okay! Aala, Haiba, and the other lionesses had chased him off. I don't think he wants to ever come back. He almost got killed."

"Well, where's my father? Is okay??"

Bahiya nods. "Yeah, he's at Amwa and Rafiki's tree. They're cleaning and wrapping up his wounds."

I sat down and sigh with relief. "Good."

"Your uncle is patrolling the lands now with his guard team making sure that lion doesn't ever come back. That was awful from him to try to attack Nala!"

"It was. I promise you if I ever see that son of a jackal, I am going to KILL him."

I growl again with anger. Bahiya scoots herself closer up to me. She places her head underneath my chin.

"Kosa, you have to calm down. It's okay karma will find him soon. You're the future King, you don't need to worry about him. We have other important tasks to focus on."

"You're right Bahiya."

"Your mother was so proud of you for defending your pride. It showed a lot of courage and bravery."

I smile and tilt my head up proudly.

I'll do anything to protect my family and Pride...

Including Bahiya...

"Who was that other lion that was with Maha?" I ask.

"Oh, that's Rudo her friend." She said. "Auni told me that your parents had let him join the Pride for breakfast earlier."

"Really? Well that's a first. I'm surprised they let him. He seems like a cool laid back guy."

"Yeah, Maha must really like him. I saw the way she smiles and look at him. He's so blind!"

Bahiya laughs. I shake my head.

"Well, that's how I was with you. I didn't know you liked me either!"

I chuckle while Bahiya rolled her eyes. She smirks, "Yeah, but our story is different from theirs. We've known each other since cub-hood and grew up at the same Pride. They're both new to each other and are just now becoming close friends."

"True. I guess we'll wait and see what happens between them."


Bahiya and I sat there inside the empty quiet cave. Both of us are in quiet thoughts.

What an crazy afternoon...

The Lion King: Makosa's BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now