Chapter 1: Secret admirer

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Mom!!" I yelled from the top of the stairs to our mansion in L.A.

"YN sweetie what do you need?" she came rushing up the stairs

"I need a new dress!" I complained

"But why?" she asked

"Because I have the red carpet next week!!"

"Oh yes sorry I forgot! Well why don't we just find one from your closet?"

"Mom I have worn all those dresses before! I cannot be sen wearing the same dress twice!"

"Ok ok I'll ask jay if he can take you."

"Fine" I sighed

A few minutes later my bodyguard jay walked out with his car keys.

"Let's go" he sighed

When we got in the car the radio turned on and it was of course me singing jay just rolled his eyes and turned the radio off.

"Hey I like that song!" I exclaimed

"Then sing it!" He joked

"I heard that the girl who sings it is extremely hot!" I flipped my hair

"Yeah I honestly don't think so" he started laughing

I just punched his arm then we got to the mall I got out and walked to the entrance. when I walked in I was trampled by boys and girls other wise known as my (fanbase) (;

I smiled and took pictures with all of them then walked to (favorite store )

When I walked In I ran to the back where the dresses were and picked out a dress.

~At home ~

"What dress did you get my mom asked me. Walking into my room

"Oh you know just the cutest dress ever!"
I held up my sparkly grey dress

"That's adorable!" she gushed


Then my mom left and I heard my phone buzz I picked it up to see I got a text message.

From: Unknown

Hey cutie want to know who I am? You'll see me on that red carpet(;

Yeah I keep getting these secret admirer texts hopefully I'll find who it is.

Then I heard the doorbell ring.

"YN!" I heard my mom calling me

"What!?" I yelled

"Madison is here!"

I ran down stairs to see my best friend well one them, Madison Beer!

"YN!!" she ran and gave me a hug

"Madison what are you doing here?"

"We'll I got back from New York early so I came to visit you!" she smiled

"Then come on!" I dragged her to my room

~1 hour later~

"So how's ... Ryder?" I asked looking away

"He missed you he'll be back tomorrow" I smiled widely Ryder is Madison's younger brother I kinda like him but it's a secret!!


"Oo when are you shooting your next video?" Madison smiled widely

"I think next week,why?" I asked

"Just curious" she smiled even wider

"Hah ok"

--after Madison left--

I was sitting down watching T.V. when my phone buzzed I pulled out my phone to see another text.


Goodnight beautiful(; see you tomorrow!

I flinched wait what!?

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