Chapter 7: Day 1

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Today,Today is the day I go on tour with YN. I know she hates me but this tour will really give me a chance to let her get to know me.

"Justin are you set?" My mom asked walking into the room

"Uh yeah!" I said zipping up my suitcase

"I'm really gonna miss you." she hugged me

"I know me too, but in February you will get to come join me!" I assured her

She nodded and pulled away smiling
"Ok mom I love you but I have to go"

"Love you too" she smiled and I walked out the door to my car.


"Yes mom I promise!!" I chuckled while chatting with my mom on the phone before I left.

"Ok sweetie I just wanted to make sure."

"Mom guess what!?" I said looking down at my tour schedule in my hands


"In march we are heading to Tokyo!!"

"Oh really? that's great your father and I will be at your concert!"

"Ok, well I love you I have to go bye"

"Love you too,bye"

I hung up the phone and grabbed my suitcase and walked out the door. I locked it behind me and Jumped into Tracie's car I was in the back with Madison and Tracie and Ryder were in the front.

"Hey!" madison exclaimed

"Hey" I smiled and buckled up

"So girls are you excited for your tours?" Tracie asked pulling out of the drive way

"Yeah!" we said in unison

"Although I am a little upset I won't be with my bestie on my tour" Madison pouted

"I know but atleast we will all be doing the last show together!"


When we got to the studio I saw all three buses lined up. We all got out of the car and I walked to my bus and gave my luggage to the driver.

I walked over to Scooter where everyone else was huddled.

"Ok guys we have 10 minutes so say your goodbyes." scooter announced

I ran to Madison and gave her a big hug. I am going to miss not having my bestfriend for 9 months!!

"YN I'm gonna miss you!!!"

"I know Mads I'm gonna miss you more!!"

We pulled away and started laughing. Then I gave Tracie a hug.

"YN I will miss you." I smiled

"I'll miss you more mom" she smiled and hugged me tighter

Then we pulled away.

"5 minutes people!!" scooter shouted

I walked to Ryder smiled then Hugged him. He Hugged me tight then whispered in my ear.

"YN I am going to miss you!"

"I'll miss you too!"

He pulled away an kissed my cheek before I could say anything scooter shouted

"Ok everyone in their buses!" I ran back to madison and gave her a hug once more then I went back to my bus and got in.


Sorry guys I realized that my last chapter really sucked so I updated again trying to make up for my sucky writing. Haha(:

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