Chapter 2: Change of plans

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So about an hour ago Scooter called me to tell me that he was calling a emergency meeting with all his Artists. I wonder why?


"Hey Mads what's up?" Madison walked in my room my mom must have let her in.

"Nothing Much, Scooter call you?"


"Yeah I wonder what's going on."

"Yeah me too"

"Well we should go don't want to be late" Madison replied



When we got to the studio we got out of the SUV.

"Thanks mom" Madison said closing her door

"Bye mom" I said closing mine I called Tracie mom all the time because she was just like my mom except her and my mom were best friends

"Bye love you girls" Tracie drove away

We walked into the studio and greeted Sheryl the at the front desk then walked into the meeting room.

To our surprise we were the first ones there. So we just sat down then scooter came in.

"Oh good YN,Madison you're here"

We nodded. "What's this about?" I questioned

"You'll find out"

Then Cody Simpson and Ariana Grande walked in laughing then quickly sat down.

"Hey YN" Cody greeted me

"Hey" I smiled

"It's 2:43 this meeting starts in 2 minutes where is Justin and Psy?" Scooter interrupted

I froze wait what !!?? Did he mean Justin Bieber??

Madison saw me and quickly grabbed my shoulders

"I know you don't like Justin but would you like to loose your job? I mean don't get me wrong your scooters 2nd biggest star but Justin is first and if your mean to him there's no telling what scooter will do."

Don't like Justin?? NO I hate justin he is a snobby brat and assumes he's better than everyone else.

Madison gave me a stern look

I just nodded then Psy walked In the room followed by...Justin.

Then Psy strolled over and sat next to Ariana and that left one seat for Justin...right next to me

He smirked, bit his lip and walked over and sat down next to me.

I just rolled my eyes and kept thinking be nice.

He leaned in "Get my texts?" he whispered in my ear

I stopped and was about to say something but scooter started

"Ok so I called all you here to talk about some stuff tour wise."

"What do you mean?" Ariana asked

"Well let's just say you know how. Was going to have all the girls tour together and all the boys tour together?"

We all nodded

"Well plans changed we are breaking this up I into three. Different tours"

"Ok soo.?" I questioned

"So they will be one boy one girl and I have your groups right here." he held a piece of paper up

"What are they?" Cody asked

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