Chapter 6: Catching Feelings

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So today I have rehearsals with YN. I really hope she doesn't bring her boyfriend. I'm thinking of ways to make YN hate me less. I'm not a bad person but I know the media lately makes me out to look like one. I know I have strong feelings for YN I'm not sure if their good or not. I don't love her. At least I dont think I do? Oh god...


Ok I really like Laine but I just don't know if I can exactly trust him. You know he has a phsyco ex who is still in love with him and I'm pretty sure he likes her. Her name is Skylar I really don't like her. Scratch that I hate her. I just think he still likes her I don't want to have to but I think I'm breaking up with.

Anyways I have rehearsals today yay! note the sarcasm.


"Hey YN" Justin walked up to me

"Hey!" I said excitedly wait YN did you seriously just say that? wow that was stupid

He just chuckled and then we did our dance practice then singing practice and decided to call it a day.

After practice I went back to my house to talk to Laine I think this is where I am going to break it off with him.


YN- Hey Laine?

Laine- Yea?

YN: I just think we need to talk about something

Laine: I agree

YN: ok I think I'm catching feelings for somebody else

Laine: yeah and also- wait what?

YN: Don't get me wrong your amazing it's just that little spark we had? I don't feel it anymore.

Laine: Wait so you're breaking up with me?

YN: yeah

Laine: Ok...But can we still be friends?

YN: of course!

I walked over to him to give him a hug but then it suddenly got awkward so I just extended my hand for him to shake. He took my hand shook it and smiled.

---1 hour later---

"So you and Laine are really over?" Madison asked while putting her hair behind her ear


"Great maybe you and J-"

"Don't you dare say Justin."

"Why not? I mean come on he likes you!!" she exclaimed

"I know it's just I don't like him I hate him!"

"Why hes hot!"


"Yeah you know he's so damn sexy" she daydreamed

I chuckled "Ok Madison I think you have had enough of whatever you are smoking"

She playfully slapped my arm

"No but I'm serious I think You and Justin would be the hottest celeb couple ever!"

"If you like him so much why don't you date him?"

"I would, but I'm not the one he had the hots for" she winked.

I threw a pillow at her and she started laughing.

"Maybe I am Catching Feelings for Justin..."

"Oooooo" Madison cooed

"Shut up!!!" I threw another pillow at her.

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