Chapter 8: This is My Tour

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"And were off!"

Our bus driver James announced

I chuckled and plopped down on the couch with a magazine. Justin was also sitting on the couch with his elbows on his knees leaning forward,playing xbox.

He looked over at me "Why do you read that crap?" he turned back to the tv

"Because I want to know who wore it best!" I joked

He chuckled "alright"

I got up and threw the magazine at his face and walked to the sink to get some water. I filled my glass up and chugged it down.

Justin got off the couch and walked to the cupboards to get some snacks. He found some Cheetos and walked back to the couch with them and started playing his game again while stuffing the Cheetos in his mouth.

I rolled my eyes "boys..."

"Whhhaattt?" Justin slurred with Cheetos still in his mouth

"Eww close your mouth"

"Why? I think it's sexy." he chuckled

"Oh please Bieber you wouldn't know Sexy if it hit your face!"

"Uhm hello? have you seen my face? I am pretty sure Sexy hit it like a million times!"

"Haha good one" I said in a sarcastic tone.

"I know"

After that I walked to my room to change. It was hot so I put on some spandex and a tank top.

Then I grabbed my laptop and plopped down on my bed. I opened up to my desktop and clicked on Google. I typed in twitter and my account popped up.

I started reading random tweets from fans. I smiled and retweeted some of them and followed others. Then I saw some hate. All I could do was laugh.

"What are you laughing at?" Justin interrupted

"Just some hate that I'm getting."

"Why is that funny? isn't it hurtful?"

"No it is funny. You see these people have nothing better to do so they hate on me and try to bring me down. Well I'm not a weak person."



"That was so touching..." he fake cried

"Shut up!!!"

He chuckled "okay well goodnight!"

"Night!" I smiled then closed my laptop and got into my blankets and drifted off into sleep land (haha wtf?...I don't even know)


-Next Day-

I woke up to the bus not moving. I quickly got up and walked to my closet and threw on a pair of sweat pants and walked to the front of the bus. I didn't see anyone there so I guess James was outside the bus.

I walked back to YN's room to see I she was in there. I peeked through the crack of the door and saw YN sound asleep.

I walked in and sat On the side of the bed.

"YN you need to wake up we have rehearsals in two hours."

"Ugh! Noo"

I chuckled "Come on!" I grabbed her hand and pulled her up.

"Okay,okay!" she got up and walked to the closet rubbing her eyes.

I chuckled and walked back to the living room where I saw James with some Mcdonalds.

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