Chapter 17: KS

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I rubbed my eyes and leaned up. God damn. YN was up half of the night. She just kept repeating. 'She set the fire'.

I honestly have no fucking idea what she's talking about. Maybe she will explain it to me. I don't know.

I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. I lifted up the toilet seat. And you know did my buissness. Then I walked back to the bedroom.

I adjusted my eyes and looked around the room. I looked around once more when something caught my eye. A pink dress.

What the fuck? Was that there before?
I walked over to it and picked it up. It was really light. I flipped it over to the back side. It was stitched up.

Hmm. I walked back to the bed.

"YN you need to see this." I shook her

She slightly leaned up and blinked.


"Is that the little pink dress?" I asked pointing to the end of the bed.

She opened her eyes widely "yes!" she quickly got out of the bed and ran to the dress.

She picked it up. Examining it. She turned it around. She gasped.

"What?" I asked suddenly

"This I stitched!"

"Yeah so?"

"So that means it was worn recently! It was never stitched in my dream!"

"YN it could have been stitched after she died"

"Justin she burned in a fire!"

I sighed and rubbed my forehead I tarted pacing the floor.

"Soo...Maybe it the same dress,But a different dress."

"Justin this Is the same dress."

"How can you be sure of that?"

"Because I am!"

"What proof do you have?"


She jumped back in bed.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"I am going to find is some proof." she smiled turning off the light and closing her eyes


"I am going to find us some proof" I smiled turning off the light and closing my eyes.

I arrived in a dark room. I walked around and bumped into a string. I pulled on it. On came the light.

I looked around. This must be her room. It had some toys. A small bed with a white lace blanket.

The door slammed open. I turned around to see her.

"What are you doing here?" she asked

"I thought you died in that fire?" I asked steadily

"No I didn't die. My sister did."

"Are you twins?"

She sighed "yes"

"Well your sister has been busting me in my dreams..."

"Oh no.." I saw the streak of fear come across her face.

"What?" I asked

"She um..Only visits people of she needs something."

"What could she possibly need from me?"

"...Your life" I then heard a scream downstairs

"You need to go!" she scrambled and was shoving me into the closet.



"Your sister...was there anything on her dress that you could tell apart from yours."

"Uh yeah..on the tag her intials KS were sewn in" she shut the door and I was in pitch black.

I woke up and quickly scrambled out of bed. Justin quickly got up from the chair. I walked to the dress and found the tag. I looked at it. KS.

This was her dress...


So I hope you guys are liking it so far. Sorry it's not some boring ass love story. I kinda needed a little twist.

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