Chapter 29: The Perfect Moment

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"So YN tell us,How are you holding up?" Ellen smiled

I sat straight up in the chair and put my left leg over my right. I fumbled with my fingers. Thinking about what scooter told me to say.

"..I'm..better." I faked a smile.

Better? who am I kidding if anything I'm worse.

"So if you don't mind me asking, Why did you jump?"

I felt a huge weight drop on my shoulders. The room got quite and all eyes were on me.

I gulped. Remeber, Just do what scooter said...

"I umm..i was feeling depressed..Nobody was here for me..My mom she is halfway across the country.." I felt tears slip down my cheeks.

"I'm so sorry." Ellen leaned forward and put her hand on my knee.

I shook my head and wiped my tears.

"It's just...Hard..." I whimpered

Ellen looked at the crowd.

"Well that's all we have for today so tune in next time." she smiled and the cameras went off.

I got up from my chair and rushed backstage as I felt tears stream down my face. I ran to my dressing room and shut the door behind me.

I slipped down the door till I hit the floor. I put my hands in my knees. I let the tears flow perfectly.

I'm alone. I'm officially by myself. Nothing,nothing at all belongs to me. I'm an empty soul.

I heard a knock on the door followed by a soft voice.

"YN,Baby please open up." it was justin. I wiped my tears and got up opening the door to see Justin standing in the hall.

Justin looked at me with sad eyes and tilted his head. I faked a smile and walked back to the mirror.

I sat down at the chair and looked in the mirror. I picked up some mascara and reapplied my makeup.

Justin walked in and came up behind me just staring there looking at me through the mirror.

"Babe..." he said

"What?" I smiled through the mirror.

He spun my chair around so I was facing him and not the mirror. He got down on his knees and cupped my face in his hands.

"What's wrong?" he asked softly

"Nothing is the same, Justin, it's never gonna be." I looked down

"Baby...please look at me" he replied

I looked up into his Carmel brown eyes. I felt like I was going to melt. His stare was pretty intense.

Before I knew it he had his lips on mine. He kissed me softly with a lot of passion.

I smiled and pulled away. Justin chuckled.

"Babe I said I was going to fix you, Let me help." he smiled

He walked to the door and closed it then he turned on some slow dance music and walked back to me. He grabbed my hand and helped me out of the chair.

He pulled me up and smiled walking me to the middle of the room. He stopped and pulled me close to his body. Then wrapped his arms around my waist. I put my arms around his neck.

He rested his head on my shoulder and whispered in my ear.

"I love you so much." he whispered as we swayed to the rhythm of the slow song.

"I love you more." I mumbled into his chest

This really is the perfect moment...


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