Chapter 28: The World Breaks Us All

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I was checking twitter when the news came on with a headline that caught my eye.

"News for young pop star! (YN) (YLN)!" I read it carefully

I put my phone down and turned the volume up to listen.

"As you all know last week YN was caught jumping off a building. She recalls it trying to bungee jumping. Do we believe this? No not really. Was YN trying to commit suicide? What could be so wrong about YN's life?!" the woman put the paper down and asked her co anchor.

He chuckled "See that's the thing about teenagers these days. If one thing goes wrong their whole life is over! I honestly think YN was just being over dramatic. I mean come on! she is the most loved person in the world. what is so wrong with that?" he asked

I clenched my jaw and shut the tv off.
I can't believe this. I just got YN out of the hospital a week ago and all she's been getting is criticism.

I sighed and leaned back in my chair. I rubbed my face.


"Mom I promise. I was just bungee jumping" I said over the phone

"Ok I love you too bye." I ended the call.

I put my phone down and opened my Mac book. I opened my twitter and looked at the trends.


I was about to go to the next trend when 'YN's break down' caught my eye.

I clicked in the link an it led me to thousands of tweets.

'The man YN fell on should have moved because then YN would be dead!'

'YN is stupid! Why would she jump off a building!'

Before I could read anymore I closed the computer. I felt tears form in my eyes. I covered my mouth.

I cried my eyes out. I got up and walked to the bathroom. I grabbed a tissue and wiped my tears away. I looked in the mirror.

I saw a girl. Her hair was messy. Her eyes were bloodshot. She wasn't herself.

I rushed to Justin's bedroom. I opened the door and walked to his suitcase. He was out getting food so I was on the bus alone.

I searched his suit case to find a razor blade. Justin used to hurt himself. When he went through his depression after Selena and all.

I took the razor blade and zipped up the bag. I walked back to the bathroom. I closed the door behind me then locked it.

I slid down the door with my back until my butt hit the floor. I pulled up my right sleeve and took the blade into my left hand.

I pushed the blade against my skin. The blade was cold so I shuddered a little.

Then I slide the blade across my skin. It stung a little but then I felt pleasure. I took the blade off of my skin and felt the blood run down my arm.

"YN?" I heard Justin walk into the bus.

I quickly got up and rinsed my arm. I grabbed the towel then dried my arm. I slid my sleeve back down my arm.

Then opened the door to see Justin. I smiled

"Hey" I smiled

"Hey" he smiled back.

"What were you doing?" he asked

"Lady stuff" I smiled

"Right" he nodded then walked into the bathroom.

I walked to the living room and sat on the couch.

Justin walked out of the bathroom and looked at me. He gave me a strange look.

"YN? why is your arm bleeding??" he asked

I looked down at my arm and saw blood seeping through my sleeve.

I rushed to the bathroom and grabbed a towel. I lifted my sleeve up and applied pressure on the towel.

Justin walked in and lifted up the towel slightly. He saw my cut and gave me a sad look.

"Where did you get the blade?" he whispered

"Your bag" I mumbled

"Can I have it?" he asked

I took the blade out of the cabinet and handed it to him.

He walked to me and hugged me tightly.

"I'm here for you." he whispered in my ear.

"I'm Broken." I cried

I gripped his shoulder.

"Then I'll help you fix yourself. I promise. It will get better." he rubbed my back

The world breaks us all...


Idk about you but that was an intense chapter for me to write.

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