Chapter 16: Set The Fire

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I quickly ran to the elevator with my room key and pushed the button really fast. the doors were not opening so I rushed to the end of the hallway and fled down the three flights of stairs.

I rushed through the lobby. I found my way to the front desk and stopped. I leaned against the counter out of breathe.

"Miss are you okay?" the front desk man asked

"I Need to talk to the manager" I said breathing heavily

"You're speaking with him" the guy smiled

"Okay was this hotel ever, Another building?"

"You mean was it ever used for something else?"

"Yeah!" I snapped my finger

"Yes I believe it was a hospital." he smiled

"What happened to it?"

"Uh I think it was set on fire."


"Ma'am I'm not sure does it matter?"

"No" I sighed walking away.

I ran back up the stairs. I walked down the hallway I made it to my room. I started at the number on the door.


I breathed in and out. Slid my card through the lock. I lightly opened the door. The room was dark I walked in and turned on the light.

The door slammed behind me. I jumped. Ready to scream. I walked around. I set my bag down and walked into the bathroom...

I looked around. Then I turned on my foot. On the bed laid a pink small dress. it wasn't there before.

I screamed and ran through the living room. Out the door. Through the hallway when I was knocked onto the floor by a figure. At this point I was crying.

"YN?" I heard a male voice ask while helping me up

I looked and saw Justin he helped me up. I started crying even harder.

He pulled me into a hug.

"YN what happened?"

He asked

"I-there-pink-dress-bed" I stuttered crying even harder.

"Shhh" he rubbed my back

I calmed down.

"I can't stay in that room! I cant!"

"Hey let me walk you back to your room. well check it out together" he looked down at me

"Ok" I nodded as we walked back to the room.

"So what exactly happened?" Justin asked pacing the floor as I sat on the couch.

"Well I was looking around I. The bathroom when I turned around I saw a pink dress sitting on the bed..."

"Okay and why is this bad?"

"It all started about 2 months ago I started having these dreams. Dreams about a little girl in a pink dress. She was in room 211 with her mom in the hospital when her mom died. she screamed for her mom but a man just dragged her away!" I had tears well up in my eyes

"So the dress I the bed..."

"Was the one in my dream" I completed his sentence.

"And room 211...that's your room number right now?"

"Yeah....i asked the hotel manager and he said there was a hospital here before but it was set on fire."

"Oh wow" Justin sighed

"I am so scared!!" I sobbed into my hands

"YN if you want I'll stay with you tonight." Justin sat next to me

I looked up "would you?" I sniffled

"Of course" he wiped my tears away with his thumb

"Thank you" I hugged him tightly


I sat up in the bed tying my hair into a bun. Justin walked in and laid down.

I got under the covers with Justin and I turned the other way. He brought me closer to him by grabbing my waist and pushing my body against his.

He kissed my cheek. I blushed and fell into a deep sleep.


"Mommy!" she screamed as a larger man pulled her away from the bed.

"Time of death 10:12" the doctor read off

The girl repeatedly kicked and screamed. The man dragged her away and they were gone...

The doctors left the room and walked down the hall. Leaving the woman in her bed. I walked over to the bedside to get a clearer look at the woman.

Her skin sunk into her bones making her seem so fragile.

"Get away!" the girl screamed walking into the room.

I then heard screams everywhere. Like people were burning... I felt heat rise.

"You better go, or you're gonna burn just like the rest of us!" she said evilly

"Come on I can get you out of here" I pulled on her hand

"Let go!" she screamed her eyes went black

"I set the fire!" she screamed

I backed away..She walked towards me I kept backing up.

"Don't do that" she smiled

I then felt my body fall into a fire. I was steaming. I screamed at the feeling of the heat coming in contact with my skin.


"No!" I screamed leaning up

"YN! what's wrong?" Justin leaned up and put his arm around me

"The dream...she set the fire.."


Wow. That was intense for me to write!

What did you think?

Oh and since I'm almost done writing my other story 'Skater Boy' I was thinking about starting another story but a Jason McCann one,Should I?

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