Chapter 5: Heartbroken

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I woke up to the nice warm sun on my face but Laine was no longer in my bed.

I got up and walked downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and saw Laine attempting to make breakfast but he was burning the bacon I chuckled and then he saw me.

"Morning baby" he came and gave me a kiss

"Morning, you having problems?" I giggled and walked over to the bacon and started flipping it.

"Well I mean I was trying to make you a nice breakfast but..." he chuckled

"Aw haha baby it's okay"

He just smiled and then I realized something.

"Laine where are my parents?" I asked

"Uhm..I don't know"

I walked over to the fridge to get some orange juice when I saw a note stuck to it. It read....

Dear YN,

Sweetie I know at the moment this seems very unhealthy but your father and I left last night. You see he was planning to move all of us across the seas to Tokyo he found a higher paying job. As he says it's love or money your father being himself he chose money. I know it seems selfish but he does love you he really does. Now I cannot explain everything in this note so before you go to bed tonight call me I will explain it all. I'm so sorry honey. I love you. -Mom

Laine walked over to me and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm sorry YN"

"You know what it's fine,Maybe today should just be a You and Me day." I smiled

"Do you mean a day where I get to lay in bed all day with my beautiful girlfriend and kiss her every second I want?"


"Then hell yeah!" he smiled

We both ran upstairs after breakfast and laid in my bed.

My head was on his chest and he was playing with my long brown hair.

YN: Laine?

Laine: yeah?

YN: can we play 21 questions?

Laine: yeah you go first

YN: ok who is your celebrity crush

Laine: That's easy YN YLN

I smiled

YN: ok your turn

Laine: Who would you rather kiss Justin or Cody?

YN: Eww Cody,Justin is a jerk

He smiled then we finished the game and decided to watch a movie so far this is the best day yet.


Once the movie was over I looked to see YN asleep she was so cute when she slept .I wonder when I should ask her a very important question... I can't tell but I don't know if she'll be happy

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